Key Table: Orbit Reader
- A six-dot standard braille keyboard is along the back edge of the top.
From left to right, its keys are: Dot3, Dot2, Dot1 - Dot4, Dot5, Dot6.
- There's a five-key navigation pad in between Dot1 and Dot4.
- Space is the long key in the middle, just in front of the navigation pad.
- Dot7 and Dot8 are the keys immediately to the left and right of Space.
- The five navigation pad keys are named Left, Right, Up, Down, and Select.
- Any display key combination can be emulated by holding Select
while typing the corresponding combination of dots 1-6.
- RoutingKey refers to any of the keys immediately behind the braille cells.
- The rocker to the left of the braille cells emulates the Display2 key,
and the one to their right emulates the Display5 key.