Key Table: FreedomScientific Focus 80
- This description is general because the key layout differs from model to model.
- There is a routing key immediately behind each braille cell.
Some models have a navrow key immediately behind each routing key.
On others, a navrow key can be emulated by long-pressing the corresponding routing key.
- There are two Nav controls - one at each end of the braille cells.
Each has three actions: Up, Down, and Press.
On newer models, each is a rocker combined with a button.
On older models, each is a wheel that can be both rolled and pressed.
- The keys on the front, from left to right, are:
pan left, left rocker, left selector, left bumper, left shift - right shift, right bumper, right selector, right rocker, pan right.
- The left and right pan keys are short bars.
On some models, each has a raised double-arrow.
- The left and right selectors are round.
On older models, they're known as GDF (General Display Function) keys.
- An eight-dot, Perkins-style, braille keyboard is near the rear of the top.
Its keys, From left to right, are: Dot7, Dot3, Dot2, Dot1 - Dot4, Dot5, Dot6, Dot8.
The space bar is in front of the braille cells.
On some models, the eight dot keys are in a straight line
behind the space bar but in front of the braille cells.
- The left and right shift keys are squarish.
On some models, they're at the center of the front.
On others, they're on either side of the space bar.
- The left and right rockers are short, up/down, rocker keys.
- The left and right bumpers are long, up/down, rocker bars.
Newer models refer to them as panning rockers.
On some models, each bumper is a pair of shorter bars.