Key Table: APH Mantis Q40 ========================= Notes * There are four rectangular thumb keys on the front. From left to right: The outer ones are named ThumbPrevious and ThumbNext. The inner ones are named ThumbLeft and ThumbRight. Some models have a round key in the middle - it's the internal menu key. * RoutingKey refers to any of the keys immediately behind the braille cells. Default Bindings ---------------- Cursor Functions * go to screen cursor: ThumbLeft+ThumbRight * bring screen cursor to character: RoutingKey Vertical Navigation * go up one line: ThumbPrevious * go down one line: ThumbNext * go to beginning of top line: ThumbLeft+ThumbPrevious * go to beginning of bottom line: ThumbLeft+ThumbNext * go up to nearest line with different content: ThumbRight+ThumbPrevious * go down to nearest line with different content: ThumbRight+ThumbNext Horizontal Navigation * go backward one braille window: ThumbLeft * go forward one braille window: ThumbRight Clipboard Functions * start new clipboard at character: ThumbPrevious+RoutingKey * append to clipboard from character: ThumbLeft+RoutingKey * linear copy to character: ThumbRight+RoutingKey * rectangular copy to character: ThumbNext+RoutingKey * insert clipboard text after screen cursor: ThumbPrevious+ThumbNext Menu Bindings ------------- Special Modes * enter/leave preferences menu: ThumbLeft+ThumbRight Horizontal Navigation * go backward one braille window: ThumbLeft * go forward one braille window: ThumbRight Menu Operations * go up to previous item: ThumbPrevious * go down to next item: ThumbNext * go up to first item: ThumbLeft+ThumbPrevious * go down to last item: ThumbLeft+ThumbNext * select previous choice: ThumbRight+ThumbPrevious * select next choice: ThumbRight+ThumbNext * save preferences to disk: ThumbLeft+ThumbRight+ThumbNext * restore preferences from disk: ThumbLeft+ThumbRight+ThumbPrevious