[BRLTTY] Re: More then one connection to brlapi

Milan Zamazal to-news-brltty at zamazal.org
Thu Nov 24 07:45:00 EST 2005

>>>>> "ST" == Samuel Thibault <samuel.thibault at ens-lyon.org> writes:

    ST> The correct implementation would be:

Thanks for the instructions, it works now!

One additional question:

    ST> And when sending the 'gettty packet, send the size of this list
    ST> and its content. The BrlAPI server will then know for instance
    ST> that emacs is running in its own X window of VT 8.

What's the recommended way to deal with multiple Emacs windows (and only
single Emacs process and BrlAPI connection)?  Should I leave and get
terminal each time the active window is changed or can I list all the
active windows in the gettty packet?


Milan Zamazal

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