[BRLTTY] brltty, cygwin and windoweyes

Lee Maschmeyer lee_maschmeyer at wayne.edu
Mon Apr 16 10:47:06 EDT 2007

>Lee reported to have Jaws & brltty cooperate quite fine by just asking
>Jaws not to read console windows.

Actually I told Jaws not to use braille in Cygwin (speech still reads it 
whenever I have speech turned on). I did this by first telling Cygwin to use 
a stable window title via the PROMPT_COMMAND variable and then telling Jaws 
not to use braille in that window.

Task switching smoothness varies according to the display used. Switching to 
brltty always works properly but going back to Windows is more problematic. 
With my Alva ABT340 it usually works properly. With the one USB display I've 
tried, a PAC Mate display, I have to disconnect/reconnect it because, the 
last time I tried it at least, brltty had trouble releasing the display. 
With the CombiBraille it seldom works at all so I have to terminate brltty 
every time I'm about to go to Windows. (Dave suggested an option that would 
make brltty release it more quickly but it didn't really solve the problem. 
That display doesn't work very well in Jaws to begin with, though.)

Lee Maschmeyer
<lee_maschmeyer at wayne.edu>

"Be kind to your fur-bearing friends,
For a skunk may be somebody's brother."
     --Fred Allen

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