[BRLTTY] BrlAPI and contiguous displays

Nicolas Pitre nico at cam.org
Sun Apr 29 19:37:23 EDT 2007

On Sun, 29 Apr 2007, Dave Mielke wrote:

> My plan is to have the driver advertise the display's full width and to behave
> as though there are no status cells. The core would then have an option
> (similar to the BrailleNote driver's statuscells= parameter) which would
> allocate some of the text cells, only from the core's perspective, as status
> cells. Then BrlAPI would automatically use all of the cells as text cells,
> driver-specific code for this can be removed, displays with no status cells
> could have some, etc.

Note that most displays usually have status cells, when they do have 
them, separate from the main display.  So an Alva display with 40 cells 
and 3 status cells doesn't have a 43 cell contiguous display but 
actually a 3 cell display and a separate 40 cell display.


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