[BRLTTY] Unified french braille table

Samuel Thibault samuel.thibault at ens-lyon.org
Mon May 14 15:37:10 EDT 2007


A first version of the unified computer braille table was released,
here is a BRLTTY version.  Remarks and critics should be forwarded
to ch.coudert at avh.asso.fr (or your country contact) up to 31th may
2007.  Maybe it would be useful to include it in 3.8 for possibly wider

-------------- next part --------------
# BRLTTY - A background process providing access to the console screen (when in
#          text mode) for a blind person using a refreshable braille display.
# Copyright (C) 1995-2007 by The BRLTTY Developers.
# This is free software, placed under the terms of the
# GNU General Public License, as published by the Free Software
# Foundation.  Please see the file COPYING for details.
# Web Page: http://mielke.cc/brltty/
# This software is maintained by Dave Mielke <dave at mielke.cc>.

# BRLTTY Text Translation Table - French

# This is the 2007 unification of french computer braille tables, originally
# using cp1252 character set
# http://www.avh.asso.fr/index.php?deficient=2&module=14&nameRub=nouvelle_tablebraille&opt=0
# This table is currently just a testing version, please forward any comment /
# properly argumented proposition before 31th may 2007 to ch.coudert at avh.asso.fr
# Up to date revisions of this table can be found on
# http://brl.thefreecat.org/text.fr.tbl

# cp1252 missing from latin9:
# 164 (   45   ) currency sign
# 166 (   45  8) broken bar
# 168 (   4 6  ) diaeresis
# 180 (    5   ) acute accent
# 184 (   456  ) cedilla
# 188 (1 3  6 8) vulgar fraction one quarter
# 189 (   4 6 8) vulgar fraction one half
# 190 (1 34 6 8) vulgar fraction three quarters

\X00 (12345  8)  # null
\X01 (1234 678)  # start of heading
\X02 (12  5  8)  # start of text
\X03 (1234 6 8)  # end of text
\X04 (1  45 78)  # end of transmission
\X05 (1   5  8)  # enquiry
\X06 (12 4  78)  # acknowledge
\X07 (12 45  8)  # bell
\X08 (12  5 78)  # backspace
\X09 (12 4 678)  # horizontal tabulation
\X0A ( 2 456 8)  # line feed
\X0B (1 3    8)  # vertical tabulation
\X0C (123   78)  # form feed
\X0D (1 34  78)  # carriage return
\X0E (1 345  8)  # shift out
\X0F ( 23  6 8)  # shift in
\X10 (1234  78)  # data link escape
\X11 (12345 78)  # device control one
\X12 (123 5 78)  # device control two
\X13 ( 234  78)  # device control three
\X14 ( 2345 78)  # device control four
\X15 (1 3  678)  # negative acknowledge
\X16 (123  678)  # synchronous idle
\X17 ( 2 45678)  # end of transmission block
\X18 (1 34 678)  # cancel
\X19 (123  6 8)  # end of medium
\X1A (1   5678)  # substitute
\X1B (12  5678)  # escape
\X1C (1  4 678)  # file separator
\X1D (12   678)  # group separator
\X1E ( 23 5 7 )  # record separator
\X1F ( 23  67 )  # unit separator
\X20 (        )  # space
\X21 ( 23 5   )  # exclamation mark
\X22 ( 23 56  )  # quotation mark
\X23 (  3456 8)  # number sign
\X24 (  3 5 7 )  # dollar sign
\X25 (  34 6 8)  # percent sign
\X26 (123456 8)  # ampersand
\X27 (  3     )  # apostrophe
\X28 ( 23  6  )  # left parenthesis
\X29 (  3 56  )  # right parenthesis
\X2A (  3 5   )  # asterisk
\X2B ( 23 5 78)  # plus sign
\X2C ( 2      )  # comma
\X2D (  3  6  )  # hyphen-minus
\X2E ( 2  56  )  # full stop
\X2F (  34    )  # solidus
\X30 (  3456  )  # digit zero
\X31 (1    6  )  # digit one
\X32 (12   6  )  # digit two
\X33 (1  4 6  )  # digit three
\X34 (1  456  )  # digit four
\X35 (1   56  )  # digit five
\X36 (12 4 6  )  # digit six
\X37 (12 456  )  # digit seven
\X38 (12  56  )  # digit eight
\X39 ( 2 4 6  )  # digit nine
\X3A ( 2  5   )  # colon
\X3B ( 23     )  # semicolon
\X3C ( 23    8)  # less-than sign
\X3D ( 23 5678)  # equals sign
\X3E (    567 )  # greater-than sign
\X3F ( 2   6  )  # question mark
\X40 (  345   )  # commercial at
\X41 (1     7 )  # latin capital letter a
\X42 (12    7 )  # latin capital letter b
\X43 (1  4  7 )  # latin capital letter c
\X44 (1  45 7 )  # latin capital letter d
\X45 (1   5 7 )  # latin capital letter e
\X46 (12 4  7 )  # latin capital letter f
\X47 (12 45 7 )  # latin capital letter g
\X48 (12  5 7 )  # latin capital letter h
\X49 ( 2 4  7 )  # latin capital letter i
\X4A ( 2 45 7 )  # latin capital letter j
\X4B (1 3   7 )  # latin capital letter k
\X4C (123   7 )  # latin capital letter l
\X4D (1 34  7 )  # latin capital letter m
\X4E (1 345 7 )  # latin capital letter n
\X4F (1 3 5 7 )  # latin capital letter o
\X50 (1234  7 )  # latin capital letter p
\X51 (12345 7 )  # latin capital letter q
\X52 (123 5 7 )  # latin capital letter r
\X53 ( 234  7 )  # latin capital letter s
\X54 ( 2345 7 )  # latin capital letter t
\X55 (1 3  67 )  # latin capital letter u
\X56 (123  67 )  # latin capital letter v
\X57 ( 2 4567 )  # latin capital letter w
\X58 (1 34 67 )  # latin capital letter x
\X59 (1 34567 )  # latin capital letter y
\X5A (1 3 567 )  # latin capital letter z
\X5B ( 23  678)  # left square bracket
\X5C (  34   8)  # reverse solidus
\X5D (  3 5678)  # right square bracket
\X5E (   4    )  # circumflex accent
\X5F (    5 78)  # low line
\X60 (     6  )  # grave accent
\X61 (1       )  # latin small letter a
\X62 (12      )  # latin small letter b
\X63 (1  4    )  # latin small letter c
\X64 (1  45   )  # latin small letter d
\X65 (1   5   )  # latin small letter e
\X66 (12 4    )  # latin small letter f
\X67 (12 45   )  # latin small letter g
\X68 (12  5   )  # latin small letter h
\X69 ( 2 4    )  # latin small letter i
\X6A ( 2 45   )  # latin small letter j
\X6B (1 3     )  # latin small letter k
\X6C (123     )  # latin small letter l
\X6D (1 34    )  # latin small letter m
\X6E (1 345   )  # latin small letter n
\X6F (1 3 5   )  # latin small letter o
\X70 (1234    )  # latin small letter p
\X71 (12345   )  # latin small letter q
\X72 (123 5   )  # latin small letter r
\X73 ( 234    )  # latin small letter s
\X74 ( 2345   )  # latin small letter t
\X75 (1 3  6  )  # latin small letter u
\X76 (123  6  )  # latin small letter v
\X77 ( 2 456  )  # latin small letter w
\X78 (1 34 6  )  # latin small letter x
\X79 (1 3456  )  # latin small letter y
\X7A (1 3 56  )  # latin small letter z
\X7B ( 23   78)  # left curly bracket
\X7C (   456 8)  # vertical line
\X7D (    5678)  # right curly bracket
\X7E (  3    8)  # tilde
\X7F (123    8)  # delete
\X80 (12345678)  # euro sign (<control>)
\X81 (12345678)  # unused (<control>)
\X82 (     67 )  # single low-9 quotation mark (break permitted here)
\X83 (12 4   8)  # latin small letter f with hook (no break here)
\X84 (    56  )  # double low-9 quotation mark (<control>)
\X85 (  3  6 8)  # horizontal ellipsis (next line)
\X86 (  3 56 8)  # dagger (start of selected area)
\X87 (  3 567 )  # double dagger (end of selected area)
\X88 (   4   8)  # modifier letter circumflex accent (character tabulation set)
\X89 (  34 678)  # per mille sign (character tabulation with justification)
\X8A (12345678)  # latin capital letter s with caron (line tabulation set)
\X8B (    5 7 )  # single left-pointing angle quotation mark (partial line down)
\X8C (12345678)  # latin capital ligature oe (partial line up)
\X8D (12345678)  # unused (reverse line feed)
\X8E (12345678)  # latin capital letter z with caron (single shift two)
\X8F (12345678)  # unused (single shift three)
\X90 (12345678)  # unused (device control string)
\X91 (     6 8)  # left signle quotation mark (private use one)
\X92 (  3   7 )  # right single quotation mark (private use two)
\X93 (  3   78)  # left double quotation mark (set transmit state)
\X94 (     678)  # right double quotation mark (cancel character)
\X95 (12 45 78)  # bullet (message waiting)
\X96 (   4  78)  # en dash (start of guarded area)
\X97 (   45 78)  # em dash (end of guarded area)
\X98 (   4 67 )  # small tilde (start of string)
\X99 ( 2345  8)  # trade mark sign (<control>)
\X9A (12345678)  # latin small letter s with caron (single character introducer)
\X9B (    5  8)  # single right-pointing angle quotation mark (control sequence introducer)
\X9C (12345678)  # latin small ligature oe (string terminator)
\X9D (12345678)  # unused (operating system command)
\X9E (12345678)  # unused (privacy message)
\X9F (12345678)  # latin capital letter y with diaeresis (application program command)
\XA0 (      7 )  # no-break space
\XA1 ( 23 5  8)  # inverted exclamation mark
\XA2 (1  4  78)  # cent sign
\XA3 ( 23   7 )  # pound sign
\XA4 (1   5 78)  # euro sign
\XA5 ( 2  5678)  # yen sign
\XA6 ( 234 678)  # latin capital letter s with caron
\XA7 (1234   8)  # section sign
\XA8 ( 234 6 8)  # latin small letter s with caron
\XA9 (1  4   8)  # copyright sign
\XAA (1    678)  # feminine ordinal indicator
\XAB ( 23 56 8)  # left-pointing double angle quotation mark
\XAC ( 2  567 )  # not sign
\XAD (      78)  # soft hyphen
\XAE (123 5  8)  # registered sign
\XAF (1 34   8)  # macron
\XB0 ( 2   67 )  # degree sign
\XB1 (  3  678)  # plus-minus sign
\XB2 (   45 7 )  # superscript two
\XB3 (   4567 )  # superscript three
\XB4 (1 3 5678)  # latin capital letter z with caron
\XB5 ( 2  5 7 )  # micro sign
\XB6 (   45678)  # pilcrow sign
\XB7 (       8)  # middle dot
\XB8 (1 3 56 8)  # latin small letter z with caron
\XB9 (   4  7 )  # superscript one
\XBA ( 2   678)  # masculine ordinal indicator
\XBB ( 23 567 )  # right-pointing double angle quotation mark
\XBC ( 2 4 67 )  # latin capital ligature oe
\XBD ( 2 4 6 8)  # latin small ligature oe
\XBE (1  45678)  # latin capital letter y with diaeresis
\XBF ( 2   6 8)  #*inverted question mark
\XC0 (123 567 )  # latin capital letter a with grave
\XC1 (123 5678)  # latin capital letter a with acute
\XC2 (1    67 )  # latin capital letter a with circumflex
\XC3 (1     78)  # latin capital letter a with tilde
\XC4 (  34567 )  #*latin capital letter a with diaeresis
\XC5 ( 2    7 )  #*latin capital letter a with ring above
\XC6 (  345 7 )  #*latin capital letter ae
\XC7 (1234 67 )  #*latin capital letter c with cedilla
\XC8 ( 234 67 )  # latin capital letter e with grave
\XC9 (1234567 )  #*latin capital letter e with acute
\XCA (12   67 )  # latin capital letter e with circumflex
\XCB (12 4 67 )  # latin capital letter e with diaeresis
\XCC ( 2 4  78)  # latin capital letter i with grave
\XCD (  34  7 )  # latin capital letter i with acute
\XCE (1  4 67 )  # latin capital letter i with circumflex
\XCF (12 4567 )  # latin capital letter i with diaeresis
\XD0 (12    78)  # latin capital letter eth
\XD1 (1 345 78)  #*latin capital letter n with tilde
\XD2 (1 3 5 78)  # latin capital letter o with grave
\XD3 (  34 67 )  # latin capital letter o with acute
\XD4 (1  4567 )  # latin capital letter o with circumflex
\XD5 (1 3   78)  # latin capital letter o with tilde
\XD6 ( 2 4 678)  #*latin capital letter o with diaeresis
\XD7 (  3 5 78)  # multiplication sign
\XD8 (  345678)  # latin capital letter o with stroke
\XD9 ( 234567 )  # latin capital letter u with grave
\XDA ( 2345678)  # latin capital letter u with acute
\XDB (1   567 )  # latin capital letter u with circumflex
\XDC (12  567 )  #*latin capital letter u with diaeresis
\XDD (1 345678)  # latin capital letter y with acute
\XDE ( 2 45 78)  # latin capital letter thorn
\XDF ( 234   8)  # latin small letter sharp s
\XE0 (123 56  )  #*latin small letter a with grave
\XE1 (123 56 8)  #*latin small letter a with acute
\XE2 (1    6 8)  #*latin small letter a with circumflex
\XE3 (1      8)  # latin small letter a with tilde
\XE4 (  345 78)  #*latin small letter a with diaeresis
\XE5 ( 2     8)  #*latin small letter a with ring above
\XE6 (  345  8)  #*latin small letter ae
\XE7 (1234 6  )  #*latin small letter c with cedilla
\XE8 ( 234 6  )  #*latin small letter e with grave
\XE9 (123456  )  #*latin small letter e with acute
\XEA (12   6 8)  #*latin small letter e with circumflex
\XEB (12 4 6 8)  #*latin small letter e with diaeresis
\XEC ( 2 4   8)  #*latin small letter i with grave
\XED (  34  78)  #*latin small letter i with acute
\XEE (1  4 6 8)  #*latin small letter i with circumflex
\XEF (12 456 8)  #*latin small letter i with diaeresis
\XF0 (12     8)  # latin small letter eth
\XF1 (12 45678)  #*latin small letter n with tilde
\XF2 (1 3 5  8)  #*latin small letter o with grave
\XF3 (  34 6  )  #*latin small letter o with acute
\XF4 (1  456 8)  #*latin small letter o with circumflex
\XF5 (   4 678)  # latin small letter o with tilde
\XF6 (  3 5  8)  #*latin small letter o with diaeresis
\XF7 ( 2  5 78)  # division sign
\XF8 (    56 8)  # latin small letter o with stroke
\XF9 ( 23456  )  #*latin small letter u with grave
\XFA ( 23456 8)  #*latin small letter u with acute
\XFB (1   56 8)  #*latin small letter u with circumflex
\XFC (12  56 8)  #*latin small letter u with diaeresis
\XFD (1 3456 8)  # latin small letter y with acute
\XFE ( 2 45  8)  # latin small letter thorn
\XFF ( 2  56 8)  #*latin small letter y with diaeresis

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