[BRLTTY] German Braille

Dave Mielke dave at mielke.cc
Tue Feb 23 15:31:03 EST 2010

[quoted lines by Jan Mura on 2010/02/23 at 20:50 +0100]

>I would like to ask if there is a table for literal(6-point) German
>full Braille, maybe it's German Grade 0,
>in German it is "Vollschrifft", I think.
>And if there is the table, how can I change to it.

Yes, although it's been implemented as a contraction table. You can use it by 
specifying the contraction table de-vollschrift and enabling 6-dot braille 

Dave Mielke           | 2213 Fox Crescent | The Bible is the very Word of God.
Phone: 1-613-726-0014 | Ottawa, Ontario   | 2011 May 21 is the Day of Judgement.
EMail: dave at mielke.cc | Canada  K2A 1H7   | 2011 Oct 21 is the End of the World.
http://FamilyRadio.com/                   | http://Mielke.cc/bible/

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