[BRLTTY] FYI: HandyTech Modular Evolution 88 and Linux console size (88x42)

Sebastian Humenda shumenda at gmx.de
Sat Jun 26 10:39:44 EDT 2010

Hello Mario,

I know, this is a bit old thread, but:
Mario Lang <mlang at delysid.org> wrote on So, Mai 09, 2010 at 02:26:36 +0200:
>Sebastian Humenda <shumenda at gmx.de> writes:
>>>I recently managed to configure my Linux console to have 88 columns
>>>(and 42 lines).  Since the display is continuous, you can then use
>>>all the width of your display during your work on the console.
>> [...]
>>>The trick is to set a framebuffer resolution and a certain font size
>>>which results in the number of columns you desire.  In my case, I
>>>used 800x600 as a starting-point with fbset, and then issued
>As explained above, you will have to do some simple math and experimentation.
>First of all, the typical console font widths available are 8, 10, 12,
>14 and 16 pixels.  If you have a specific target line width,
I want to have 120 letters. My console is automatically loaded with a fb with
the resolution 1366x768. Would a 12 pixel font be okay? How do I calculate
the lines? Currently I get, possibly wrong, 120 lines with a 12x6 font.

>On my Debian system, I put
>FONT="Lat15-Terminus14.psf.gz brl-14.psf.gz"
>into the file /etc/default/console-setup.
Is Lat15 also okay for a UTF-8 console, or is this not a shortcut vor Latin15?

>What are you exactly trying to achieve? :-)  What size does
>your braille display have?
I do have a 40 cell display. I would be normally fine with a 80x25 terminal, but
I had a testing update and got a framebuffer with 170x48. I learned that this is
sometimes cool when editing XML, but 170 are too much characters, I would prefer

Thanks and greetings
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