[BRLTTY] Some problems in the latest brltty code with ubuntu 12.04

Sebastian Humenda shumenda at gmx.de
Sun May 6 17:36:56 EDT 2012

Hello Eric,

Eric Scheibler <email at eric-scheibler.de> schrieb am 05.05.2012, 13:00 +0200:
>I've tried out the latest brltty on ubuntu 12.04 and encountered a few
>problems. Some of them may relate to ubuntu and some of them are general
>To get speech work I start the terminal on the graphical desktop and type
>sudo killall brlty
>sudo /sbin/brltty
>then speech starts but my self defined key table is not loaded. Then I
Did you try the parameter -k?

>tty1 (after logging in) it doesn't work, no speech support although I'am
>logged in with the same user account. The brltty init script does not
The user account doesn't matter since it's run as root.
Did you try "-s es" for testing?

>The next one is related to the speech support in conjunction with my own
>key table.
>Warning: maybe the next lines crash your system, so be careful...
>I've created the following text file:
>Test pass
>Password: 3mXMLlnhu1N7xKAO44J7
>and saved it under pwtest.txt
>Then I printed it with: cat pwtest.txt
>third try: read it with the navigation function "lnup" from my key
>table: system crashes on the password line. Even the graphical desktop
>is dead so I must restart my computer. Can anyone reproduce this? I will
Not reproducible.

>attach my key table, maybe it causes the problem.
Tried it out. Same result.

>I found another bug than I read the laptop key table file in vim (just
>an example) relatively fast from top to bottom. I used the downarrow key
>to move (ca 3 - lines per second). After the half of the document I got
>a constant beep from the PC speaker and the system was frozen.
Not reproducible.
After you had this crash, reboot your system and have a look at /var/log/syslog,
it sounds more like a kernel panic than a BRLTTY-related problem.

Generally: Rename /sbin/brltty to something like /sbin/brltty.bin and then
write a script like this (with the name brltty):
ulimit -c unlimited

And make it executable. If BRLTTY crashes, you get a "core.dump" in this
directory, which you can send to the list for further debugging.

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