[BRLTTY] test result, was re: brltty 4.3 and papenmeier

Nicolas Pitre nico at fluxnic.net
Mon May 14 10:43:29 EDT 2012

On Mon, 14 May 2012, Dave Mielke wrote:

> [quoted lines by Nicolas Pitre on 2012/05/13 at 21:14 -0400]
> >If I set "Show All Items" to "Yes" and then go modify some speech 
> >options that aren't there otherwise (no driver support for pitch or 
> >volume for example), then BRLTTY hangs.  Despite this hang which should 
> >be fixed, I think that those displayed items that aren't active could be 
> >displayed in parenthesis without any actual value to make it clearer 
> >they're not effective, just like grayed items in GUI menus.
> My original thought was that Show All Items would provide a quick way to go 
> through all the settings and adjust them. Is that not a useful capability?

Well, knowing that they exist might be useful, but if they are not 
effective they might create more confusion and bogus bug reports, such 
as "I increased the pitch but that didn't change anything".


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