[BRLTTY] [PATCH] add a verbose space speech setting

Nicolas Pitre nico at fluxnic.net
Thu May 17 01:28:46 EDT 2012

On Wed, 16 May 2012, Dave Mielke wrote:

> [quoted lines by Nicolas Pitre on 2012/05/16 at 22:11 -0400]
> Hi:
> >This introduce another speech option to determine if whitespaces are 
> >explicitly spoken, or if they remain silent.
> Thanks. 
> I renamed "verbose spaces" to "white space". Speaking spaces non-verbosely 
> still implies that they're spoken - tersely.
> I also changed how the preference was acted on since it was done in a way which 
> impacted more than just autospeak.

You also broke it.  :-)

With my patch, if the setting was set to "no", a space would mute the 
speech.  you apparently dropped that part.

> Perhaps speech cursor navigation also needs some kind of space speaking 
> preference. If so, the two should probably be merged, and the merged preference 
> shouldn't be subject to the autospeak setting.

Probably, yes.  This is not about generating autospeak events, but 
rather how spaces are called out during such events.

> Also, we'd have to think through 
> very carefully what each of its values should be.

Maybe: "Spaces are: silent / spoken".

A third option could eventually be a short beep.


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