[BRLTTY] Laptop key table.

Sebastian Humenda shumenda at gmx.de
Wed May 23 15:45:06 EDT 2012

Hello Dave,

Dave Mielke <dave at mielke.cc> schrieb am 22.05.2012, 15:58 -0400:
>[quoted lines by Sebastian Humenda on 2012/05/22 at 21:45 +0200]
>>>What if, to avoid conflicts with Orca, we switch all our laptop key bindings to 
>>>use Tab instead of CapsLock?
>>At the first look it's a cool idea. But I see problems when using e. g.
>>auto-completion in a shell. It would always collide with "<tab><space>" and e. g.
>>browsing would be also not very nice since the most commands for the browser
>>(after tabbing through links) would be interpreted from BRLTTY as well.
>But those keys are never pressed together with the Tab key, are they? Brltty 
>would only ever act on a key pressed while the Tab key is being held. The only 
>difference would be that the Tab key by itself would act on release, rather 
>than on press, since brltty has to wait to see if another key will be pressed.
You are right, I was somehow thinking that it might work as the Escape-Key does,
also after release.
Then I think I would love to have everything bound to the tab key, but I would
like to have the navigation commands (words-by-word, character-by-character and
line-by-line) bound to right shift and right control nonetheless. In my opinion
it's desirable to navigate with just hand on the screen and that isn't possible
with Caps or Tab.

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