[BRLTTY] Speech and keypad

Stéphane Doyon s.doyon at videotron.ca
Wed May 23 20:27:21 EDT 2012

On Wed, 23 May 2012, Dave Mielke wrote:

> [quoted lines by Stéphane Doyon on 2012/05/23 at 00:07 -0400]
>> I keep entering garbage zeros and dots and pluses. Is there a
>> convenient way to disable keypad key presses that don't resolve to a
>> BRLTTY command?
> They could, I suppose, all be defined to NOOP. On the other hand, if we do that
> then maybe it's even better to make simple keypad key presses do the current
> KP0+ functions.

Yeah possibly. Hmm or even let the user change which is the base key that 
is in effect when no modifier is pressed. Maybe you select it with control 
+ the modifier key...

But then I suspect I'm better off learning the laptop bindings, it's 
probably more widely useful.

>> My keyboard apparently can't do KP0+KPPeriod+!KP2, KP0+KPPeriod+!KP3,
>> KP0+KPPeriod+!KP5, KP0+KPPeriod+!KP6,
>> However KP0+KPPeriod+!KP1 and KP0+KPPeriod+!KP4 do work.
>> I'll have to experiment to see if it's just *this* keyboard...
> Mine is the same.

Strange. Those are the only ones that didn't work for me, and I tried a 
lot of them. This would appear to imply that those are generally 

>> For some reason, I'd expect an entirely blank line to be announced as
>> "blank" rather than "space".
> Except that "blank" is the formal name of a specific character. Maybe "empty",
> but, then, someone might think it's the real word "empty". In the end, I went
> with a single, common term.

You're saying that "blank" is the formal correct name of what I think of 
as "space"? Oh. :-)

>> I tried cut&pasting, it took me a long time to realize it was doing it
>> from the braille position, not speech. That seems to make it rather
>> difficult to cut&paste without a display.
> It uses the system cursor - not the braille position. That functionality was


> developed, of course, before we had a speech cursor. Now, I guess, we have
> something else to decide.

But of course it's limiting to have to use the system cursor, there are 
places it can't go, many programs don't let you move it around freely.

It seems natural to me to use the speech cursor, but admittedly I have 
only this use case in mind... In what context would it be preferrable to 
use the system cursor?

Stéphane Doyon
<s.doyon at videotron.ca>

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