[BRLTTY] Clipboard functions (was Re: Python 3 brlapi?)

Joanmarie Diggs jdiggs at igalia.com
Wed May 23 22:22:41 EDT 2012

Hey Dave.

On 05/23/2012 03:40 PM, Dave Mielke wrote:
> I may be able to help with this after 4.4 is released.

That is *wonderful*. Thank you so much!!

> JoanMarie: I have an unrelated question for you.
> I finally got annoyed enough with the fact that brltty's clipboard functions 
> were called cut rather than copy so I renamed them. In other words, the old 
> BRLAPI_KEY_CMD_CUTBEGIN, for example, has been renamed to 
> BRLAPI_KEY_CMD_CLIP_NEW. I'm suspecting that Orca doesn't use these (yet). 

I shall add that to my list. Thanks for the heads up.

> There'd a problem, though, of course, were someone to use a newer Orca that 
> does use them in combination with a pre-4.4 brltty. Is that okay, or would you 
> prefer us to define the old commands as aliases for the new ones?

In terms of someone using a newer Orca with a pre-4.4 brltty, I can
always bump the minimum version for the dependency. I am going to have
to make a number of such bumps before too long due to the move to Python 3:

* brlapi
* speechd
* liblouis
* at-spi2 and/or pyatspi2

Stating "by the way, be sure you also have brltty 4.4"  is (imho) just
not that big of a deal.

What I'm wondering, however, is: What if there are users of stable/older
Orca who want to upgrade to the latest brltty? I think that combination
is more likely to occur. In which case, for those users the aliases
would be needed.

Take care.

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