[BRLTTY] New release coming soon.

Shérab Sebastien.Hinderer at ens-lyon.org
Sun Dec 22 08:57:33 EST 2013


I'm reporting again this issue already reported privately regarding
brltty and Windows:


I recently encountered a problem with BRLTTY under Windows XP.

It has to do with inserting keys pressed on the braille device such as
letters, numbers, etc.
Although the API ignores these keypresses and they are delivered to
brltty's core, it seems the screen driver does not handle them properly.

I'm attaching a debug log. What do you think?

Best wishes,
-------------- next part --------------
BRLTTY 4.5-x rev 5477 [http://mielke.cc/brltty/]
brltty.exe: Working Directory: C:\Program Files\BRLTTY
brltty.exe: Writable Directory: C:/Program Files/BRLTTY/bin/../var/run/brltty
brltty.exe: Configuration File: ../etc/brltty.conf
brltty.exe: Preferences File: brltty.prefs
brltty.exe: regions: text=0.0 status=0.0
brltty.exe: shifts: full=1 half=0 vertical=5
brltty.exe: Drivers Directory: C:/Program Files/BRLTTY/bin/../lib/brltty
brltty.exe: Tables Directory: C:/Program Files/BRLTTY/bin/../etc/brltty
brltty.exe: compiling text table: C:/Program Files/BRLTTY/bin/../etc/brltty/fr-vs.ttb
brltty.exe: file opened: C:/Program Files/BRLTTY/bin/../etc/brltty/fr-vs.ttb fd=3
brltty.exe: including data file: C:/Program Files/BRLTTY/bin/../etc/brltty/fr-vs.ttb
brltty.exe: file opened: C:/Program Files/BRLTTY/bin/../etc/brltty/letters-latin.tti fd=4
brltty.exe: including data file: C:/Program Files/BRLTTY/bin/../etc/brltty/letters-latin.tti
brltty.exe: file opened: C:/Program Files/BRLTTY/bin/../etc/brltty/numbers-french.tti fd=4
brltty.exe: including data file: C:/Program Files/BRLTTY/bin/../etc/brltty/numbers-french.tti
brltty.exe: file opened: C:/Program Files/BRLTTY/bin/../etc/brltty/common.tti fd=4
brltty.exe: including data file: C:/Program Files/BRLTTY/bin/../etc/brltty/common.tti
brltty.exe: file opened: C:/Program Files/BRLTTY/bin/../etc/brltty/spaces.tti fd=5
brltty.exe: including data file: C:/Program Files/BRLTTY/bin/../etc/brltty/spaces.tti
brltty.exe: file opened: C:/Program Files/BRLTTY/bin/../etc/brltty/boxes.tti fd=5
brltty.exe: including data file: C:/Program Files/BRLTTY/bin/../etc/brltty/boxes.tti
brltty.exe: file opened: C:/Program Files/BRLTTY/bin/../etc/brltty/blocks.tti fd=5
brltty.exe: including data file: C:/Program Files/BRLTTY/bin/../etc/brltty/blocks.tti
brltty.exe: Text Table: fr-vs
brltty.exe: Attributes Table: attributes
brltty.exe: Contraction Table: none
brltty.exe: Key Table: none
brltty.exe: Keyboard Property: type=
brltty.exe: Keyboard Property: vendor=
brltty.exe: Keyboard Property: product=
brltty.exe: checking for screen driver: wn
brltty.exe: initializing screen driver: wn
brltty.exe: Screen Driver: wn [Windows]
brltty.exe: Windows Screen Driver:
brltty.exe: Screen Parameter: root=
brltty.exe: Screen Parameter: followfocus=
brltty.exe: BrlAPI Server: release 0.6.0
brltty.exe: API Parameter: auth=
brltty.exe: API Parameter: host=
brltty.exe: API Parameter: retaindots=
brltty.exe: API Parameter: stacksize=
brltty.exe: checking braille device: serial:COM3
brltty.exe: checking for braille driver: ir
brltty.exe: initializing braille driver: ir -> serial:COM3
brltty.exe: [ir] embeddedDriver=0
brltty.exe: device directory: //.
brltty.exe: CreateFile -> 00000724
brltty.exe: Event -> 00000720
brltty.exe: socket 0 established (fd 00000724)
brltty.exe: Event -> 00000700
brltty.exe: socket 1 established (fd 00000708)
brltty.exe: serial device opened: //./COM3: fh=0000070c
brltty.exe: [ir] The device's firmware version is 1.03FR 24/05/2005  eurobraille IRIS-BIO
brltty.exe: [ir] Device's serial number is 1813. It has a pc keyboard, a 40-cells braille display and no visual dipslay.
brltty.exe: Braille Display Dimensions: 1 row, 40 columns
brltty.exe: regions: text=0.40 status=0.0
brltty.exe: shifts: full=40 half=20 vertical=5
brltty.exe: Key Bindings: pc
brltty.exe: file opened: C:/Program Files/BRLTTY/bin/../etc/brltty/brl-ir-pc.ktb fd=3
brltty.exe: including data file: C:/Program Files/BRLTTY/bin/../etc/brltty/brl-ir-pc.ktb
brltty.exe: file opened: C:/Program Files/BRLTTY/bin/../etc/brltty/brl-ir-all.kti fd=4
brltty.exe: including data file: C:/Program Files/BRLTTY/bin/../etc/brltty/brl-ir-all.kti
brltty.exe: Key Table: C:/Program Files/BRLTTY/bin/../etc/brltty/brl-ir-pc.ktb
brltty.exe: api link
brltty.exe: Braille Driver: ir [Iris]
brltty.exe: Iris Braille Driver:
brltty.exe: Braille Parameter: embedded=
brltty.exe: Braille Parameter: latchdelay=
brltty.exe: Braille Parameter: protocol=
brltty.exe: Braille Device: serial:COM3
brltty.exe: Old Preferences File: ../etc/brltty-ir.prefs
brltty.exe: cannot open file: ../etc/brltty-ir.prefs: No such file or directory
brltty.exe: regions: text=0.40 status=0.0
brltty.exe: shifts: full=40 half=20 vertical=5
brltty.exe: beeper enabled
brltty.exe: tone: msec=60 note=64
brltty.exe: tone: msec=100 note=69
brltty.exe: api unlink
brltty.exe: api link
brltty.exe: no autodetectable speech drivers
brltty.exe: checking for speech driver: no
brltty.exe: initializing speech driver: no
brltty.exe: Speech Driver: no [NoSpeech]
brltty.exe: NoSpeech Speech Driver:
brltty.exe: Speech Input: none
brltty.exe: beeper disabled
brltty.exe: CreateFile -> 000006f8
brltty.exe: socket 0 re-established (fd 000006f8, was 00000724)
brltty.exe: BrlAPI connection fd=00000724 accepted: \\.\pipe\BrlAPI0
brltty.exe: Received GetDisplaySize request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: Received EnterTtyMode request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: adding range [0(0)..ffffffff(ffffffff)]
brltty.exe: removing range [2000004c(0)..2000004c(ffffffff)]
brltty.exe: removing range [20000000(0)..20000000(ffffffff)]
brltty.exe: removing range [2000004a(0)..2000004a(ffffffff)]
brltty.exe: removing range [2000004b(0)..2000004b(ffffffff)]
brltty.exe: removing range [20060000(0)..2006ffff(ffffffff)]
brltty.exe: removing range [20000046(0)..20000046(ffffffff)]
brltty.exe: removing range [20000047(0)..20000047(ffffffff)]
brltty.exe: removing range [20240000(0)..2024ffff(ffffffff)]
brltty.exe: removing range [20230000(0)..2023ffff(ffffffff)]
brltty.exe: removing range [20250000(0)..2025ffff(ffffffff)]
brltty.exe: Taking control of tty 0000000000 (how=0)
brltty.exe: Received IgnoreKeyRanges request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: range: [0000000000000000..ffffffff1fffffff]
brltty.exe: removing range [0(0)..1fffffff(ffffffff)]
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: API got key 03 48 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000348
brltty.exe: API got key 03 48 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000348
brltty.exe: API got command 00c22448, thus client code 0000c20020240048
brltty.exe: command: C22448 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X48] + emul0)
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 03 c8 (press 1), thus client code 80000000000003c8
brltty.exe: API got key 03 c8 (press 0), thus client code 00000000000003c8
brltty.exe: API got command 00c224c8, thus client code 0000c200202400c8
brltty.exe: command: C224C8 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\XC8] + emul0)
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: API got key 03 50 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000350
brltty.exe: API got key 03 50 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000350
brltty.exe: API got command 00c22450, thus client code 0000c20020240050
brltty.exe: command: C22450 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X50] + emul0)
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 03 d0 (press 1), thus client code 80000000000003d0
brltty.exe: API got key 03 d0 (press 0), thus client code 00000000000003d0
brltty.exe: API got command 00c224d0, thus client code 0000c200202400d0
brltty.exe: command: C224D0 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\XD0] + emul0)
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: API got key 02 10 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000210
brltty.exe: API got key 02 10 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000210
brltty.exe: API got command 00c02410, thus client code 0000c00020240010
brltty.exe: command: C02410 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X10])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 90 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000290
brltty.exe: API got key 02 90 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000290
brltty.exe: API got command 00c02490, thus client code 0000c00020240090
brltty.exe: command: C02490 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X90])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: API got key 02 30 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000230
brltty.exe: API got key 02 30 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000230
brltty.exe: API got command 00c02430, thus client code 0000c00020240030
brltty.exe: command: C02430 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X30])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 b0 (press 1), thus client code 80000000000002b0
brltty.exe: API got key 02 b0 (press 0), thus client code 00000000000002b0
brltty.exe: API got command 00c024b0, thus client code 0000c000202400b0
brltty.exe: command: C024B0 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\XB0])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 2e (press 1), thus client code 800000000000022e
brltty.exe: API got key 02 2e (press 0), thus client code 000000000000022e
brltty.exe: API got command 00c0242e, thus client code 0000c0002024002e
brltty.exe: command: C0242E (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X2E])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: API got key 02 ae (press 1), thus client code 80000000000002ae
brltty.exe: API got key 02 ae (press 0), thus client code 00000000000002ae
brltty.exe: API got command 00c024ae, thus client code 0000c000202400ae
brltty.exe: command: C024AE (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\XAE])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 20 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000220
brltty.exe: API got key 02 20 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000220
brltty.exe: API got command 00c02420, thus client code 0000c00020240020
brltty.exe: command: C02420 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X20])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 a0 (press 1), thus client code 80000000000002a0
brltty.exe: API got key 02 a0 (press 0), thus client code 00000000000002a0
brltty.exe: API got command 00c024a0, thus client code 0000c000202400a0
brltty.exe: command: C024A0 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\XA0])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 12 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000212
brltty.exe: API got key 02 12 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000212
brltty.exe: API got command 00c02412, thus client code 0000c00020240012
brltty.exe: command: C02412 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X12])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 92 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000292
brltty.exe: API got key 02 92 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000292
brltty.exe: API got command 00c02492, thus client code 0000c00020240092
brltty.exe: command: C02492 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X92])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: API got key 02 21 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000221
brltty.exe: API got key 02 21 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000221
brltty.exe: API got command 00c02421, thus client code 0000c00020240021
brltty.exe: command: C02421 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X21])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 a1 (press 1), thus client code 80000000000002a1
brltty.exe: API got key 02 a1 (press 0), thus client code 00000000000002a1
brltty.exe: API got command 00c024a1, thus client code 0000c000202400a1
brltty.exe: command: C024A1 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\XA1])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: API got key 02 23 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000223
brltty.exe: API got key 02 23 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000223
brltty.exe: API got command 00c02423, thus client code 0000c00020240023
brltty.exe: command: C02423 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X23])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 a3 (press 1), thus client code 80000000000002a3
brltty.exe: API got key 02 a3 (press 0), thus client code 00000000000002a3
brltty.exe: API got command 00c024a3, thus client code 0000c000202400a3
brltty.exe: command: C024A3 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\XA3])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: API got key 02 22 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000222
brltty.exe: API got key 02 22 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000222
brltty.exe: API got command 00c02422, thus client code 0000c00020240022
brltty.exe: command: C02422 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X22])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 a2 (press 1), thus client code 80000000000002a2
brltty.exe: API got key 02 a2 (press 0), thus client code 00000000000002a2
brltty.exe: API got command 00c024a2, thus client code 0000c000202400a2
brltty.exe: command: C024A2 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\XA2])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: API got key 02 17 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000217
brltty.exe: API got key 02 17 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000217
brltty.exe: API got command 00c02417, thus client code 0000c00020240017
brltty.exe: command: C02417 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X17])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: API got key 02 97 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000297
brltty.exe: API got key 02 97 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000297
brltty.exe: API got command 00c02497, thus client code 0000c00020240097
brltty.exe: command: C02497 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X97])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: API got key 02 25 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000225
brltty.exe: API got key 02 25 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000225
brltty.exe: API got key 02 a5 (press 1), thus client code 80000000000002a5
brltty.exe: API got key 02 a5 (press 0), thus client code 00000000000002a5
brltty.exe: API got command 00c02425, thus client code 0000c00020240025
brltty.exe: command: C02425 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X25])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got command 00c024a5, thus client code 0000c000202400a5
brltty.exe: command: C024A5 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\XA5])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 26 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000226
brltty.exe: API got key 02 26 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000226
brltty.exe: API got command 00c02426, thus client code 0000c00020240026
brltty.exe: command: C02426 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X26])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 a6 (press 1), thus client code 80000000000002a6
brltty.exe: API got key 02 a6 (press 0), thus client code 00000000000002a6
brltty.exe: API got command 00c024a6, thus client code 0000c000202400a6
brltty.exe: command: C024A6 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\XA6])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 27 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000227
brltty.exe: API got key 02 27 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000227
brltty.exe: API got command 00c02427, thus client code 0000c00020240027
brltty.exe: command: C02427 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X27])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 a7 (press 1), thus client code 80000000000002a7
brltty.exe: API got key 02 a7 (press 0), thus client code 00000000000002a7
brltty.exe: API got command 00c024a7, thus client code 0000c000202400a7
brltty.exe: command: C024A7 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\XA7])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: API got key 02 31 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000231
brltty.exe: API got key 02 31 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000231
brltty.exe: API got key 02 b1 (press 1), thus client code 80000000000002b1
brltty.exe: API got key 02 b1 (press 0), thus client code 00000000000002b1
brltty.exe: API got command 00c02431, thus client code 0000c00020240031
brltty.exe: command: C02431 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X31])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got command 00c024b1, thus client code 0000c000202400b1
brltty.exe: command: C024B1 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\XB1])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 18 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000218
brltty.exe: API got key 02 18 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000218
brltty.exe: API got command 00c02418, thus client code 0000c00020240018
brltty.exe: command: C02418 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X18])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 98 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000298
brltty.exe: API got key 02 98 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000298
brltty.exe: API got command 00c02498, thus client code 0000c00020240098
brltty.exe: command: C02498 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X98])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 19 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000219
brltty.exe: API got key 02 19 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000219
brltty.exe: API got command 00c02419, thus client code 0000c00020240019
brltty.exe: command: C02419 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X19])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 99 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000299
brltty.exe: API got key 02 99 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000299
brltty.exe: API got command 00c02499, thus client code 0000c00020240099
brltty.exe: command: C02499 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X99])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: API got key 02 1e (press 1), thus client code 800000000000021e
brltty.exe: API got key 02 1e (press 0), thus client code 000000000000021e
brltty.exe: API got command 00c0241e, thus client code 0000c0002024001e
brltty.exe: command: C0241E (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X1E])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 9e (press 1), thus client code 800000000000029e
brltty.exe: API got key 02 9e (press 0), thus client code 000000000000029e
brltty.exe: API got command 00c0249e, thus client code 0000c0002024009e
brltty.exe: command: C0249E (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X9E])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 13 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000213
brltty.exe: API got key 02 13 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000213
brltty.exe: API got command 00c02413, thus client code 0000c00020240013
brltty.exe: command: C02413 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X13])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 93 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000293
brltty.exe: API got key 02 93 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000293
brltty.exe: API got command 00c02493, thus client code 0000c00020240093
brltty.exe: command: C02493 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X93])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: API got key 02 1f (press 1), thus client code 800000000000021f
brltty.exe: API got key 02 1f (press 0), thus client code 000000000000021f
brltty.exe: API got command 00c0241f, thus client code 0000c0002024001f
brltty.exe: command: C0241F (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X1F])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 9f (press 1), thus client code 800000000000029f
brltty.exe: API got key 02 9f (press 0), thus client code 000000000000029f
brltty.exe: API got key 02 14 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000214
brltty.exe: API got key 02 14 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000214
brltty.exe: API got command 00c0249f, thus client code 0000c0002024009f
brltty.exe: command: C0249F (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X9F])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got command 00c02414, thus client code 0000c00020240014
brltty.exe: command: C02414 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X14])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 94 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000294
brltty.exe: API got key 02 94 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000294
brltty.exe: API got command 00c02494, thus client code 0000c00020240094
brltty.exe: command: C02494 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X94])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: API got key 02 16 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000216
brltty.exe: API got key 02 16 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000216
brltty.exe: API got key 02 96 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000296
brltty.exe: API got key 02 96 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000296
brltty.exe: API got command 00c02416, thus client code 0000c00020240016
brltty.exe: command: C02416 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X16])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got command 00c02496, thus client code 0000c00020240096
brltty.exe: command: C02496 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X96])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 2f (press 1), thus client code 800000000000022f
brltty.exe: API got key 02 2f (press 0), thus client code 000000000000022f
brltty.exe: API got command 00c0242f, thus client code 0000c0002024002f
brltty.exe: command: C0242F (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X2F])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 af (press 1), thus client code 80000000000002af
brltty.exe: API got key 02 af (press 0), thus client code 00000000000002af
brltty.exe: API got command 00c024af, thus client code 0000c000202400af
brltty.exe: command: C024AF (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\XAF])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: API got key 02 2c (press 1), thus client code 800000000000022c
brltty.exe: API got key 02 2c (press 0), thus client code 000000000000022c
brltty.exe: API got key 02 ac (press 1), thus client code 80000000000002ac
brltty.exe: API got key 02 ac (press 0), thus client code 00000000000002ac
brltty.exe: API got command 00c0242c, thus client code 0000c0002024002c
brltty.exe: command: C0242C (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X2C])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got command 00c024ac, thus client code 0000c000202400ac
brltty.exe: command: C024AC (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\XAC])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: API got key 02 2d (press 1), thus client code 800000000000022d
brltty.exe: API got key 02 2d (press 0), thus client code 000000000000022d
brltty.exe: API got key 02 ad (press 1), thus client code 80000000000002ad
brltty.exe: API got key 02 ad (press 0), thus client code 00000000000002ad
brltty.exe: API got command 00c0242d, thus client code 0000c0002024002d
brltty.exe: command: C0242D (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X2D])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got command 00c024ad, thus client code 0000c000202400ad
brltty.exe: command: C024AD (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\XAD])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 15 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000215
brltty.exe: API got key 02 15 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000215
brltty.exe: API got command 00c02415, thus client code 0000c00020240015
brltty.exe: command: C02415 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X15])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: API got key 02 95 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000295
brltty.exe: API got key 02 95 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000295
brltty.exe: API got command 00c02495, thus client code 0000c00020240095
brltty.exe: command: C02495 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X95])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 11 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000211
brltty.exe: API got key 02 11 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000211
brltty.exe: API got command 00c02411, thus client code 0000c00020240011
brltty.exe: command: C02411 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X11])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 91 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000291
brltty.exe: API got key 02 91 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000291
brltty.exe: API got command 00c02491, thus client code 0000c00020240091
brltty.exe: command: C02491 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X91])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: API got key 03 50 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000350
brltty.exe: API got key 03 50 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000350
brltty.exe: API got command 00c22450, thus client code 0000c20020240050
brltty.exe: command: C22450 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X50] + emul0)
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 03 d0 (press 1), thus client code 80000000000003d0
brltty.exe: API got key 03 d0 (press 0), thus client code 00000000000003d0
brltty.exe: API got command 00c224d0, thus client code 0000c200202400d0
brltty.exe: command: C224D0 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\XD0] + emul0)
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 03 50 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000350
brltty.exe: API got key 03 50 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000350
brltty.exe: API got command 00c22450, thus client code 0000c20020240050
brltty.exe: command: C22450 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X50] + emul0)
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 03 d0 (press 1), thus client code 80000000000003d0
brltty.exe: API got key 03 d0 (press 0), thus client code 00000000000003d0
brltty.exe: API got command 00c224d0, thus client code 0000c200202400d0
brltty.exe: command: C224D0 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\XD0] + emul0)
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 03 50 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000350
brltty.exe: API got key 03 50 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000350
brltty.exe: API got command 00c22450, thus client code 0000c20020240050
brltty.exe: command: C22450 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X50] + emul0)
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 03 d0 (press 1), thus client code 80000000000003d0
brltty.exe: API got key 03 d0 (press 0), thus client code 00000000000003d0
brltty.exe: API got command 00c224d0, thus client code 0000c200202400d0
brltty.exe: command: C224D0 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\XD0] + emul0)
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 03 50 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000350
brltty.exe: API got key 03 50 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000350
brltty.exe: API got command 00c22450, thus client code 0000c20020240050
brltty.exe: command: C22450 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X50] + emul0)
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 03 d0 (press 1), thus client code 80000000000003d0
brltty.exe: API got key 03 d0 (press 0), thus client code 00000000000003d0
brltty.exe: API got command 00c224d0, thus client code 0000c200202400d0
brltty.exe: command: C224D0 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\XD0] + emul0)
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 03 50 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000350
brltty.exe: API got key 03 50 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000350
brltty.exe: API got command 00c22450, thus client code 0000c20020240050
brltty.exe: command: C22450 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X50] + emul0)
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 03 d0 (press 1), thus client code 80000000000003d0
brltty.exe: API got key 03 d0 (press 0), thus client code 00000000000003d0
brltty.exe: API got command 00c224d0, thus client code 0000c200202400d0
brltty.exe: command: C224D0 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\XD0] + emul0)
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 03 50 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000350
brltty.exe: API got key 03 50 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000350
brltty.exe: API got command 00c22450, thus client code 0000c20020240050
brltty.exe: command: C22450 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X50] + emul0)
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 03 d0 (press 1), thus client code 80000000000003d0
brltty.exe: API got key 03 d0 (press 0), thus client code 00000000000003d0
brltty.exe: API got command 00c224d0, thus client code 0000c200202400d0
brltty.exe: command: C224D0 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\XD0] + emul0)
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 03 50 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000350
brltty.exe: API got key 03 50 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000350
brltty.exe: API got command 00c22450, thus client code 0000c20020240050
brltty.exe: command: C22450 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X50] + emul0)
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 03 d0 (press 1), thus client code 80000000000003d0
brltty.exe: API got key 03 d0 (press 0), thus client code 00000000000003d0
brltty.exe: API got command 00c224d0, thus client code 0000c200202400d0
brltty.exe: command: C224D0 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\XD0] + emul0)
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 03 50 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000350
brltty.exe: API got key 03 50 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000350
brltty.exe: API got key 03 d0 (press 1), thus client code 80000000000003d0
brltty.exe: API got key 03 d0 (press 0), thus client code 00000000000003d0
brltty.exe: API got command 00c22450, thus client code 0000c20020240050
brltty.exe: command: C22450 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X50] + emul0)
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got command 00c224d0, thus client code 0000c200202400d0
brltty.exe: command: C224D0 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\XD0] + emul0)
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 03 50 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000350
brltty.exe: API got key 03 50 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000350
brltty.exe: API got command 00c22450, thus client code 0000c20020240050
brltty.exe: command: C22450 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X50] + emul0)
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 03 d0 (press 1), thus client code 80000000000003d0
brltty.exe: API got key 03 d0 (press 0), thus client code 00000000000003d0
brltty.exe: API got command 00c224d0, thus client code 0000c200202400d0
brltty.exe: command: C224D0 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\XD0] + emul0)
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 03 50 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000350
brltty.exe: API got key 03 50 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000350
brltty.exe: API got command 00c22450, thus client code 0000c20020240050
brltty.exe: command: C22450 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X50] + emul0)
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 03 d0 (press 1), thus client code 80000000000003d0
brltty.exe: API got key 03 d0 (press 0), thus client code 00000000000003d0
brltty.exe: API got command 00c224d0, thus client code 0000c200202400d0
brltty.exe: command: C224D0 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\XD0] + emul0)
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 03 50 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000350
brltty.exe: API got key 03 50 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000350
brltty.exe: API got command 00c22450, thus client code 0000c20020240050
brltty.exe: command: C22450 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X50] + emul0)
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 03 d0 (press 1), thus client code 80000000000003d0
brltty.exe: API got key 03 d0 (press 0), thus client code 00000000000003d0
brltty.exe: API got command 00c224d0, thus client code 0000c200202400d0
brltty.exe: command: C224D0 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\XD0] + emul0)
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 03 50 (press 1), thus client code 8000000000000350
brltty.exe: API got key 03 50 (press 0), thus client code 0000000000000350
brltty.exe: API got command 00c22450, thus client code 0000c20020240050
brltty.exe: command: C22450 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X50] + emul0)
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 03 d0 (press 1), thus client code 80000000000003d0
brltty.exe: API got key 03 d0 (press 0), thus client code 00000000000003d0
brltty.exe: API got command 00c224d0, thus client code 0000c200202400d0
brltty.exe: command: C224D0 (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\XD0] + emul0)
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: API got key 02 1c (press 1), thus client code 800000000000021c
brltty.exe: API got key 02 1c (press 0), thus client code 000000000000021c
brltty.exe: API got command 00c0241c, thus client code 0000c0002024001c
brltty.exe: command: C0241C (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X1C])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 9c (press 1), thus client code 800000000000029c
brltty.exe: API got key 02 9c (press 0), thus client code 000000000000029c
brltty.exe: API got command 00c0249c, thus client code 0000c0002024009c
brltty.exe: command: C0249C (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X9C])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 1c (press 1), thus client code 800000000000021c
brltty.exe: API got key 02 1c (press 0), thus client code 000000000000021c
brltty.exe: API got command 00c0241c, thus client code 0000c0002024001c
brltty.exe: command: C0241C (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X1C])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 9c (press 1), thus client code 800000000000029c
brltty.exe: API got key 02 9c (press 0), thus client code 000000000000029c
brltty.exe: API got command 00c0249c, thus client code 0000c0002024009c
brltty.exe: command: C0249C (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X9C])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 1c (press 1), thus client code 800000000000021c
brltty.exe: API got key 02 1c (press 0), thus client code 000000000000021c
brltty.exe: API got command 00c0241c, thus client code 0000c0002024001c
brltty.exe: command: C0241C (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X1C])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 9c (press 1), thus client code 800000000000029c
brltty.exe: API got key 02 9c (press 0), thus client code 000000000000029c
brltty.exe: API got command 00c0249c, thus client code 0000c0002024009c
brltty.exe: command: C0249C (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X9C])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 1c (press 1), thus client code 800000000000021c
brltty.exe: API got key 02 1c (press 0), thus client code 000000000000021c
brltty.exe: API got command 00c0241c, thus client code 0000c0002024001c
brltty.exe: command: C0241C (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X1C])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 9c (press 1), thus client code 800000000000029c
brltty.exe: API got key 02 9c (press 0), thus client code 000000000000029c
brltty.exe: API got command 00c0249c, thus client code 0000c0002024009c
brltty.exe: command: C0249C (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X9C])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 1c (press 1), thus client code 800000000000021c
brltty.exe: API got key 02 1c (press 0), thus client code 000000000000021c
brltty.exe: API got command 00c0241c, thus client code 0000c0002024001c
brltty.exe: command: C0241C (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X1C])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 9c (press 1), thus client code 800000000000029c
brltty.exe: API got key 02 9c (press 0), thus client code 000000000000029c
brltty.exe: API got command 00c0249c, thus client code 0000c0002024009c
brltty.exe: command: C0249C (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X9C])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got key 02 1c (press 1), thus client code 800000000000021c
brltty.exe: API got key 02 1c (press 0), thus client code 000000000000021c
brltty.exe: API got key 02 9c (press 1), thus client code 800000000000029c
brltty.exe: API got key 02 9c (press 0), thus client code 000000000000029c
brltty.exe: API got command 00c0241c, thus client code 0000c0002024001c
brltty.exe: command: C0241C (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X1C])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: API got command 00c0249c, thus client code 0000c0002024009c
brltty.exe: command: C0249C (PASSXT: XT (set 1) keyboard scan code [\X9C])
brltty.exe: API got command 00000000, thus client code 0000000020000000
brltty.exe: command: 000000 (NOOP: do nothing)
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Received Write request on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: charset CP1252
brltty.exe: Closing connection on fd 00000724
brltty.exe: Client on fd 00000724 did not give up control of tty 0000000000 properly
brltty.exe: Releasing tty 0000000000

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