[BRLTTY] How to find Unicode characters and change their grade 2 translation?

Lee Maschmeyer leemer1 at comcast.net
Thu Apr 10 13:49:39 EDT 2014

Many thanks, but it still fails at times. Two example words:


This is preceded by a letter sign which is wrong. Note that this 
demonstrates the problem is not associated with "ll".


This has a letter sign before the ll which, again, is wrong. (From the 
context one can see this is dialect for "will".

Look at it this way: In print this sign is used to produce a certain 
character. This character is valid, or at least nearly so, no matter where 
it's located. It looks like, or nearly like, an apostrophe; close enough it 
can appear in the middle of a word. In braille this character is used for 
one purpose only: to produce poor braille. To produce good braille this 
character should produce dot 3 no matter where it's located. If somebody 
wants to find out what's really there they can use hex; that's what it's 

I suppose we could put in something like:

always \u2019\s 356-3-0
always \u2019-- 356-3-36-36

This supposes a very reliable visual rendering of the text which is thus far 
beyond us. And followed by anything else it should act like an apostrophe 
since this is closest to what it looks like visually.

I downloaded this file from Gutenberg in "plain text UTF-8". I'll check to 
see if there's a plainer text format available; maybe UTF-8 is no longer 


Lee Maschmeyer

"Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to 
others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you 
had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise."
--Lewis Carroll 

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