[BRLTTY] brltty crashing shortly after starting

Mike Gorse mgorse at alum.wpi.edu
Tue Dec 1 09:03:28 EST 2015


I am trying to test the development version of brltty. When I plug in my 
Brailliant 40, brltty starts up. I'm confused as to what is starting 
brltty, since nothing in /usr/lib/udev/rules.d references it (I don't have 
the udev rules file installed at the moment). ANyhow, brltty starts but 
attempts to divide by 0 shortly afterwards. Backtrace attached (I also 
don't understand why some values are optimized out, since the build log 
indicates that I'm passing -O0). It looks as though 
placeBrailleWindowHorizontally is being called when textCount = 0. Does 
anyone know what might be going wrong? And let me know if there is 
anything else that you'd like from me.

If I start brltty manually, by typing "brltty" from a shell, then it works 
fine. Starting brltty via systemctl is not working for me, but I'm unsure 
if this is related to the crash I just mentioned.

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