[BRLTTY] I found it

Lee Maschmeyer leemer1 at comcast.net
Wed Sep 16 18:26:38 EDT 2015


Sorry I wasn't clear when I mentioned this initially. If the text given in 
the message is indeed the text that was committed, there are two errors (the 
first I hadn't noticed initially).

> [quoted lines by adrian at pa0rda.nl on 2015/09/11 at 19:10 +0200]
> >I hope I am clear enough for you.
> Well, let's see. Please verify if the following description, which I'm now
> committing to the repository, is correct:
> Notes
> * There are four ETouch keys, two at each end of the text cell are.
                         ^ area
>   Each is subnamed according to the side it's on (Left, Right),
>   and according to it's position on that side (Rear, Front).
           ^ its


Lee Maschmeyer

"Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to 
others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you 
had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise."
--Lewis Carroll 

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