[BRLTTY] [OT] betris -- a horizontal braille version of tetris

Mario Lang mlang at blind.guru
Thu Aug 30 18:43:03 EDT 2018


Off topic, because not strictly BRLTTY related.  However, this game is
only useful to braille users, and currently only ported to UNIX-like
OSes, so here is probably the best place to announce it:

More or less to proof a point, I implemented a horizontal
version of tetris using Braille dots to represent the game field.

Pieces are "falling" from right to left.  Moving the cursor up/down will
move the piece "sideways" and also scroll the display if need be.
Pressing the left cursor key will "drop" the piece, and hitting return
will rotate it.  Hit ESC to quit the game.
The complete game field is displayed on just one line of 10 characters.
So it should be playable on pretty much every braille display.
You do not have to move your display at all.  Moving the piece
"sideways" by pressing up/down will automatically scroll along the
game field.

Rotating the game by 90 degrees is a little bit confusing at first, but
once you get the hang of it, it is really quite playable, and I think
more or less the only good way how this can be implemented for braille

I'd be interested in feedback.
I have only tested it with one other blind person yet.

It is a haskell projeect.  To install, run:

$ cabal update
$ cabal install betris


$ stack install betris

And then just call

$ betris

on the command-line.


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