[BRLTTY] [PATCH] don't steal abused USB ids

Alex ARNAUD alexarnaud at hypra.fr
Mon May 14 14:26:50 EDT 2018

Le 14/05/2018 à 20:07, Dave Mielke a écrit :
>> brltty is not only part of the default installation. It is even part of
>> the installer.
> It took years (and that's an understatement) to get to this point, and it's an
> excellent point to have reached so we must find a solution.

As I understand, on Ubuntu, BRLTTY is not start automatically except if 
the braille device is clearly identifiable to avoid such issue. I've not 
look into the Ubuntu packaging but I've seen this mechanism mentioned in 
bugs report.

I personally think the Debian approach is the more reliable because if 
the user installs the distribution without assistive technology we could 
assume he has sighted assistance to be able to install BRLTTY after the 

Best regards,

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