[BRLTTY] BrlTty, NVDA, & BrailleNote Touch

Jackie McBride abletec at gmail.com
Sun May 20 12:49:41 EDT 2018

Here's what I think is the important excerpt. The weird thing is that
in looking at device manager, the touch actually seems to be occupying
2 com ports, 1 for input & 1 for output.
"2018-05-20 at 10:07:49.642 checking braille device:
2018-05-20 at 10:07:49.642 Bluetooth: begin device discovery
2018-05-20 at 10:07:49.647 Bluetooth: remember discovered device:
Addr:30219EC4547A Paired:yes Name:X5
2018-05-20 at 10:07:49.647 program exit event added: bluetooth-device-queue
2018-05-20 at 10:07:49.647 Bluetooth: remember discovered device:
Addr:88331427B566 Paired:yes Name:BrailleNote Touch
2018-05-20 at 10:07:49.647 Bluetooth: end device discovery
2018-05-20 at 10:07:49.648 checking for braille driver: hw
2018-05-20 at 10:07:49.648 initializing braille driver: hw ->
2018-05-20 at 10:07:49.648 Bluetooth: discovering serial port channel
2018-05-20 at 10:07:53.694 WSALookupServiceBegin error 10108: No such
service is known. The service cannot be found in the specified name
2018-05-20 at 10:07:53.694 Bluetooth: serial port channel not discovered
2018-05-20 at 10:07:53.694 Bluetooth: RFCOMM channel: 1
2018-05-20 at 10:07:58.831 RFCOMM connect error 10060: A connection
attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond
after a period of time, or established connection failed because
connected host has failed to respond.
2018-05-20 at 10:07:58.831 braille driver initialization failed: hw ->
2018-05-20 at 10:07:58.831 braille driver not found
2018-05-20 at 10:07:58.831 activity action failed: braille-driver: start"

Ideas, anyone?

On 5/19/18, Jackie McBride <abletec at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hold up, she sent yesterday's log. I'll send an updated 1 when I get
> it. Humblest apologies for wasting your time. I should've checked the
> date. Thank you again.
> On 5/19/18, Dave Mielke <dave at mielke.cc> wrote:
>> [quoted lines by Jackie McBride on 2018/05/19 at 20:08 -0700]
>>>Unfortunately, we're still receiving the exact same error even w/the line
>> It can't be exactly the same because it should show service discovery
>> being
>> performed. Please post a log.
>> --
>> I believe the Bible to be the very Word of God: http://Mielke.cc/bible/
>> Dave Mielke            | 2213 Fox Crescent | WebHome: http://Mielke.cc/
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> Remember! Friends Help Friends Be Cybersafe
> Jackie McBride
> Helping Cybercrime Victims 1 Person at a Time
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Remember! Friends Help Friends Be Cybersafe
Jackie McBride
Helping Cybercrime Victims 1 Person at a Time

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