[BRLTTY] Tr: Fwd: Google Launches Braille Keyboard for Android Devices
Sébastien Hinderer
Sebastien.Hinderer at ens-lyon.org
Fri Apr 10 09:47:13 EDT 2020
Dear all,
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Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2020 04:43:13 -0000
Subject: Google Launches Braille Keyboard for Android Devices
Google today announced the launch of a virtual braille keyboard for Android
that's designed to enable those with low vision or blindness to type on their
phones without additional hardware. From a report: The tech giant says it
collaborated with braille developers and users to create it, and to ensure it
can be used anywhere a user would normally type -- including social media,
text messaging, and email apps. According to the World Health Organization, at
least 2.2 billion people globally have a vision impairment or blindness. To
address their needs, Google previously developed and released BrailleBack, an
accessibility service for Android that helps users make use of braille
devices, but BrailleBack didn't offer on-screen typing.
[Read more of this story](https://tech.slashdot.org/story/20/04/09/1831238/google-launches-braille-keyboard-for-android-devices?utm_source=rss1.0moreanon&utm_medium=feed) at Slashdot.

URL: http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdot/~3/RseRY7tujVg/google-launches-braille-keyboard-for-android-devices
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