[BRLTTY] Braille driver restarting

Rob Hudson rob_hudson_3182 at gmx.com
Mon Aug 5 01:04:25 EDT 2024

Connected a q braille xl via USB. Arch linux, brltty 6.6-10. Every so often at random times the message
Braille driver restarting
pops up, followed by
brltty 6.6
Sometimes the text where I was when the crash happened appears again, other times
Braille driver restarting
just hangs there, and hangs there, and hangs there some more. I have to unplug and replug the display to get it working again.
This doesn't happen with my handytech basic braille 40.
Since udev starts brltty, how can i get it to start up again nexttime with appropriate log switches so this can be debugged?

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