[BRLTTY] Issues with Bluetooth Using the HumanWare NLS eReader

Elijah Massey emassey0135 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 6 16:15:01 EDT 2024

I am running Arch Linux, and I have paired and connected my HumanWare NLS eReader over Bluetooth. At first I got permission errors saying brltty could not access /dev/hidraw* devices, but I created a udev rule that automatically gives the brltty group read and write permissions on these devices, and now I can read the output from brltty on the display. However, when I press keys on the display, nothing happens, and the three first cells never change and do not seem to be part of the line brltty is displaying. The cells display dot 1, then a space, then dots 3 and 5. Also, whenever I press a key, brltty logs numerous messages starting "Ignored Byte:". The number after that is most commonly 00 but there are others as well. When I use the display over USB, I do not get these log messages and neither of these issues occur. I have enabled only the hw driver in my configuration file, and I have tried the latest git commit as well as the 6.6 release.

Sent from my iPad

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