[BRLTTY] Clang error on cldr.o
rmgls2943 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 19 05:43:57 UTC 2024
Dear Sébastien,
Sorry for the late reply.
Here is logs.tgz with config.log and build.log.
What I see is:
Port installed expat arch arm64 not i386-arm64.
Is this the cause and must I install myself expat for i386-arm64?
In this case, some other ports need arm64 arch making perhaps a conflict?
> On 18 Aug 2024, at 22:32, Sébastien Hinderer <Sebastien.Hinderer at ens-lyon.org> wrote:
> Dear Raoul,
> Can you please replace the cfg-darwin you have by the attached one?
> It removes the "--quiet" option from the call to configure, so we can
> see what it prints which will be easier to read than going through the
> whole config.log.
> Can you please do something like
> ./cfg-warwin > /tmp/configure.log 2>&1
> make > /tmp/build.log 2>&1
> and then send us the two files, /tmp/configure.log and /tmp/build.log?
> thanks,
> Seb.
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