[BRLTTY] Focus 1 70 display and USB to serial adapter: possible connecting this scenario?

Hammer Attila hammera at pickup.hu
Mon Dec 23 11:53:05 UTC 2024

Hi Dave,

Thanks your answer.

I begin testing now and generating required log files.

First I will be testing in Debian 12, because this version available the 
6.7 series version (perhaps we better concentrate this version because 
this version and the actual master branch version are maintaining, 6.5 
series is very old possible this situation).

Building is not problem for me.

With safe testing environment the building related, I am use now the 
Debian 12 awailable 6.7 version sources when changing the you wrote baud 
related line into the driver file (temporary I will doing my local 
machine a quilt patch for BRLTTY package the baud change related and 
recompile and reinstall the packages).

This line change affects only with Focus 1 series models, other Freedom 
Scientific displays is unaffected this change related if need final 
applying this change the official code base?

When I generating all log file scenarios (serial communication the USB 
serial dongle related and normal usb cable autodetection related), I 
will sending the results and we will be seeing possible what the problem 
this old Focus1 display, why not autodetecting in usb mode for example 
the display with BRLTTY.

So, a thing is absolute sure: general serial connection mode with 
general serial port and general 9 pin serial cable is working, so the 
display is usable, only need determining what happening when anybody 
trying use this display with a usb to serial adapter, or a factory usb 
cable the display usb port.

Perhaps in time we will also figure out why these two types of cases do 
not work with this display, and why only the traditional real physical 
serial port connection works on older hardware that has a real serial 
port connector on the motherboard.

If it happens that you don't have time to respond during the holidays, 
no problem, I wish everyone who celebrates Christmas a happy holiday.
Rest as much as possible, the solution to this problem is not that 
urgent, I just need to work with this display somehow from January 10th 
of next year in connection with the Hungarian Braille developments.
We have already found at least one solution for an emergency scenario, 
connecting the traditional serial port to a traditional motherboard 
serial port connector.
If my English is not completely good, don't be angry with me. :-):-)


2024. 12. 22. 22:41 keltezéssel, Dave Mielke írta:
> [quoted lines by Hammer Attila on 2024/12/22 at 21:33 +0100]
>> Tomorrow I will generate you a full english language log file with you
>> suggested with serial communication related (when I use the usb to serial
>> adapter).
> Thanks.
>> I tested the serial port with minicom utility, the cable is working
>> fortunatelly, perhaps need tweaking BRLTTY related settings this scenario
>> related.
>> I used the sudo minicom -b 9600 -D /dev/ttyACM0 command to test the cable.
> Did you also try -b 57600? The baud could well be the issue, but that's what the fs driver is specifying.
> Are you okay with building your own brltty for testing? If so, you might try changing line 651 of Drivers/Braille/FreedomScientific/braille.c:
> from: .baud = 57600
> to:   .baud = 9600
>> I would like finding in Focus1 model why not working the automatic USB
>> detection, because interesting this issue too.
> Yes, I agree, and am also curious.
>> When I generating for you an USB connection related log file a second thread
>> (for example focus 1 70: usb autodetection problem addressed thread), what -l
>> option use with debug purpose?
>> The -ldebug,usb,inpkts,outpkts option is good?
> Yes, exactly. You could also add serial (so both usb and serial), actually, in order to capture the configuration of the internal USB to serial adapter.
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