[BRLTTY] Focus 1 70 display and USB to serial adapter: possible connecting this scenario?
Dave Mielke
Dave at mielke.cc
Tue Dec 24 03:28:22 UTC 2024
[quoted lines by Hammer Attila on 2024/12/23 at 21:29 +0100]
I'm going to summarize my current understanding, to be sure it's corret, and ask a few more questions along the way:
We know that the device wants to operate at 57600 baud and that the drivetr has this correct.
We know that it works on the machine with the real serial port and with -d serial:ttyS0. Could you reboot that system, let me know what ttyS0's initial baud is, and then verify that brltty is still able to correctly change its baud to 57600 and operate successfully.
Is it correct that, when you first connect the adapter, ttyACM0's baud is 9600? We know that, when in this state, brltty isn't successful, and are guessing that, for some reason, the driver is unable to successfully change the baud of the adapter to 57600.
We know that brltty does operate successfully with the adapter if you first manually set ttyCM0's baud to 57600. For this case, could you please send me a log.
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