[BRLTTY] make install error

Dave Mielke Dave at mielke.cc
Wed Dec 25 09:09:19 UTC 2024

[quoted lines by 高生旺 on 2024/12/25 at 05:58 +0800]

># make install
>extra characters after close-brace
>    while executing
>"pkg_mkIndex {/usr/lib64}/"
>    (file "./mkindex" line 1)

I can't reproduce this so will need to try to figure it out remotely. Which version of the tcl package do you have?

Could you please send me the Makefile from your brltty/Bindings/Tcl directory?

Do you have /usr/lib64/tcl8.6/tclConfig.sh and/or /usr/lib64/tclConfig.sh? If so, could you send them to me?

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