[BRLTTY] make install error

Didier Spaier didier at slint.fr
Thu Dec 26 21:30:38 UTC 2024

On 26/12/2024 13:15, Dave Mielke wrote:
> [quoted lines by Didier Spaier on 2024/12/26 at 12:39 +0100]
>> Please let me know if that causes an issue with brltty and/or the syntax is wrong.
> I can't see anything in that script that'd be adding the braces, so maybe they're already there before it runs.

I checked, before running configure in the unix dir of the source I read in

# List of standard directories in which to look for packages during
# "package require" commands.  Contains the "prefix" directory plus also
# the "exec_prefix" directory, if it is different.

then after running ./configure without any option, in the generated
intclConfig.sh I read:

# List of standard directories in which to look for packages during
# "package require" commands.  Contains the "prefix" directory plus also
# the "exec_prefix" directory, if it is different.
TCL_PACKAGE_PATH='{/usr/local/lib} '

So yes these curly braces are output of configure regardless of its options.

> The tclConfig.sh line that his brltty build is tripping over is:
>    TCL_PACKAGE_PATH='{/usr/lib64} {/usr/lib} '
> It shouldn't have those braces. In other words, it should be:
>    TCL_PACKAGE_PATH='/usr/lib64 /usr/lib '

Should I patch the packaged file?
I am a firm non-believer

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