[BRLTTY] make install error

Didier Spaier didier at slint.fr
Fri Dec 27 11:10:57 UTC 2024

On 27/12/2024 02:22, Dave Mielke wrote:
> [quoted lines by Didier Spaier on 2024/12/26 at 22:30 +0100]
>> So yes these curly braces are output of configure regardless of its options.
> Very interesting, actually. Can you think of any reason why other tcl builds aren't adding them? As part of configuring tcl, I'd expect such behaviour to be consistent regardless of the distribution. Unless, just maybe, that's the way that that specific release of tcl does it.

I didn't bisect to find if the release 8.6.12 is the only one in concern but
will just provide 8.6.15 as in this case, without options I get:
and with options set in the Slackware's build script:

>> Should I patch the packaged file?
> Doing that would indeed standardize the behaviour, but I myself prefer to know causes before taking actions.
> I'm wondering if that was an earlier attempt to support an absolute path that contains spaces before, in 8.6.15, moving to the use of colons to separate the paths.

I don't know

Anyway I will upgrade tcl to  8.6.15 for Slint (and tk to make good measure).

I do not need to rebuild brltty (currentl version 6.7)  after that, right?
I am a firm non-believer

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