[BRLTTY] How to let brltty use my own character description dictionary?

Dave Mielke Dave at mielke.cc
Fri Dec 27 18:18:09 UTC 2024

[quoted lines by 高生旺 on 2024/12/27 at 12:49 +0800]

>if I have created a shell command to get character description
>then how to let brtty to run the command with presing a cursor routing key
>through brlapi?
>My command is coded in python.

The language that a command is written in doesn't matter. There's a way to run a command if a routing key is pressed. In your key table, you'd put:

   run Key1+Key2+RoutingKey command arg ...

There'd be a problem, though, in that the command wouldn't know the character that's associated with the routing key.

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