[BRLTTY] Focus 1 70 display and USB to serial adapter: possible connecting this scenario?

Hammer Attila hammera at pickup.hu
Sat Dec 28 21:03:21 UTC 2024

Hy Dave,

Yes, I waiting 30 second or more time, before I wrote and execute the 
manual baud rate related command.

I executed after I get back the prompt when ran BRLTTY related command 
the stty -f /dev/ttyACM0 command, and after estimated 15 second I press 
an up arrow and press ENTER key (repeat baud rate settings querying 
related command to I see what the actual baud rate). Before I manual 
change the baud rate, third time looked the baud rate before the time is 
13:41 (still the baud rate is 9600 baud the adapter side).

Final, after 13:41:00 time, I executed the stty -F /dev/ttyACM0 57600 

If you need a different type test for example the 30000 MS or 60000 MS 
value (30 seconds or 60 second time before BRLTTY driver baud rate 
change and driver start related), please tell me and I trying any test 
to diagnose what the real issue the FS driver and this USB to serial 
adapter related, why not working the automatic baud rate change to 57600 
baud rate.

Optimal situation after brltty logging command starting how many seconds 
later need automatically changing the serial device baud rate if we 
applying this code line modification? If we use for example 60000 value, 
after 1 minute the command execution, or estimated for example because 
the value is 60 second (60000 MS), with 1 minute and 30 seconds because 
each driver starting failures BRLTTY waiting five seconds before again 
trying starting the braille driver?


2024. 12. 28. 19:51 keltezéssel, Dave Mielke írta:
> [quoted lines by Hammer Attila on 2024/12/28 at 14:15 +0100]
>> I played your suggested code line with different values, the larger 30000 MS
>> time not helped too.
> To prove that it worked, could you tell that it was waiting for 30 seconds?
> Were you able to query its baud some time well in the middle of that 30 second wait?
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