[BRLTTY] Help after upgrading to Ubuntu 24.04, continued

S. Massy smassy at wolfdream.ca
Sun Dec 29 21:03:39 UTC 2024

On Sun, Dec 29, 2024 at 08:24:13AM -0500, Dave Mielke wrote:
> [quoted lines by S. Massy on 2024/12/28 at 21:24 -0500]
> >Here is a log of what happens when I plug and unplug the braille display
> >as seen in syslog.
> If your braille display is showing "screen not in text mode" then the issue isn't with the braille driver - rather, it'd be with the screen driver.
Thanks. Please find the results attached. I didn't see anything obvious.
> You need to post a much more detailed log. Please use the -L (uppercase) option to specify the file to write the log to, and the -l (lowercase) option to specify debug and screen driver logs. So:
>    brltty -ldebug,scrdrv -L/path/to/logfile ...
> -- 
> I believe the Bible to be the very Word of God: http://Mielke.cc/bible/
> Dave Mielke            | 2213 Fox Crescent | WebHome: http://Mielke.cc/
> EMail: Dave at Mielke.cc  | Ottawa, Ontario   | Twitter: @Dave_Mielke
> Phone: +1 613 726 0014 | Canada  K2A 1H7   |
> http://mielke.cc/xmother.html (Letter from a Feminist ex-Mother)

Sebastien Massy
Montreal, Canada
Website: http://www.wolfdream.ca
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/SMassy1
LinkedIn: http://ca.linkedin.com/pub/sebastien-massy/47/5a5/81a
-------------- next part --------------
?2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.047 [brltty] BRLTTY 6.6 rev BRLTTY-6.6 [https://brltty.app/]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.047 [brltty] Console Encoding: UTF-8
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.047 [brltty] lock descriptor allocated: queue-discarded-elements
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.047 [brltty] Log File: /tmp/brl3.log
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.047 [brltty] Log Level: debug,scrdrv
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.047 [brltty] Messages Locale: en_GB.UTF-8
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.047 [brltty] Messages Domain: brltty
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.047 [brltty] Messages Directory: /usr/share/locale
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.047 [brltty] Autospeak Threshold: none
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.047 [brltty] Privilege Parameter: path=
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.047 [brltty] Privilege Parameter: scfmode=
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.047 [brltty] Privilege Parameter: shell=
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.047 [brltty] Privilege Parameter: user=
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.047 [brltty] capabilities: at start: =ep
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.047 [brltty] environment variable set: PATH: /bin:/usr/bin
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.047 [brltty] environment variable set: SHELL: /bin/sh
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.047 [brltty] temporary capability already added: cap_sys_admin (for isolating namespaces)
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.047 [brltty] isolating namespace: cgroup (control groups)
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.047 [brltty] isolating namespace: mount (mount points)
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.047 [brltty] isolating namespace: UTS (host name and NIS domain name)
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.047 [brltty] default unprivileged user not configured
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.056 [brltty] executing as the invoking user: root
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.056 [brltty] not claiming state directories
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.056 [brltty] working directory changed: /var/lib/brltty
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.056 [brltty] environment variable set: HOME: /var/lib/brltty
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.056 [brltty] starting host command: /sbin/modprobe -q pcspkr
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.060 [brltty] host command exit status: 0: /sbin/modprobe
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.060 [brltty] starting host command: /sbin/modprobe -q uinput
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.063 [brltty] host command exit status: 0: /sbin/modprobe
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.564 [brltty] path not group readable: /dev/uinput
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.564 [brltty] path not group writable: /dev/uinput
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.564 [brltty] temporary capability already added: cap_setgid (for joining the required groups)
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.564 [brltty] setting supplementary groups: 0(root) 5(tty) 20(dialout) 29(audio) 107(input) 134(pulse-access)
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.564 [brltty] capabilities: after relinquish: cap_sys_admin,cap_sys_tty_config,cap_mknod=ep
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.564 [brltty] pushed command environment: initial
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.564 [brltty] report listener registered: 0: handleUpdateBrailleDeviceOnline
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.565 [brltty] program exit event added: screen-data
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.565 [brltty] Working Directory: /var/lib/brltty
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.565 [brltty] Configuration File: /etc/brltty.conf
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.565 [brltty] Tables Directory: /etc/brltty
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.565 [brltty] Drivers Directory: /lib/brltty
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.565 [brltty] Writable Directory: /run/brltty
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.565 [brltty] Updatable Directory: /var/lib/brltty
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.565 [brltty] Preferences File: brltty.prefs
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.565 [brltty] loading preferences file: /var/lib/brltty/brltty.prefs
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.565 [brltty] file opened: /var/lib/brltty/brltty.prefs fd=6
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.565 [brltty] file opened: /var/lib/brltty/brltty.prefs fd=6
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.565 [brltty] program exit event added: tunes
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.565 [brltty] tune thread state change: 0 -> 1
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.566 [brltty] tune thread state change: 1 -> 3
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.566 [brltty] regions: text=0.0 status=0.0
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.566 [brltty] shifts: full=1 half=0 vertical=5
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.575 [brltty] using autoselected text table: en_GB
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.575 [brltty] compiling text table: /etc/brltty/Text/en_GB.ttb
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.575 [brltty] file opened: /etc/brltty/Text/en_GB.ttb fd=10
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.575 [brltty] including data file: /etc/brltty/Text/en_GB.ttb
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.576 [brltty] file opened: /etc/brltty/Text/ltr-latin.tti fd=11
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.576 [brltty] including data file: /etc/brltty/Text/ltr-latin.tti
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.576 [brltty] file opened: /etc/brltty/Text/ltr-alias.tti fd=12
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.576 [brltty] including data file: /etc/brltty/Text/ltr-alias.tti
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.577 [brltty] file opened: /etc/brltty/Text/ctl-latin.tti fd=11
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.577 [brltty] including data file: /etc/brltty/Text/ctl-latin.tti
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.577 [brltty] file opened: /etc/brltty/Text/common.tti fd=11
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.577 [brltty] including data file: /etc/brltty/Text/common.tti
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.577 [brltty] file opened: /etc/brltty/Text/alias.tti fd=12
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.577 [brltty] including data file: /etc/brltty/Text/alias.tti
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.577 [brltty] file opened: /etc/brltty/Text/boxes.tti fd=12
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.577 [brltty] including data file: /etc/brltty/Text/boxes.tti
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.578 [brltty] file opened: /etc/brltty/Text/blocks.tti fd=12
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.578 [brltty] including data file: /etc/brltty/Text/blocks.tti
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.578 [brltty] file opened: /etc/brltty/Text/win-1252.tti fd=12
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.578 [brltty] including data file: /etc/brltty/Text/win-1252.tti
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.578 [brltty] lock descriptor allocated: text-table
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.578 [brltty] Text Table: en_GB
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.578 [brltty] program exit event added: text-table
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.578 [brltty] using autoselected contraction table: en
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.578 [brltty] compiling contraction table: /etc/brltty/Contraction/en.ctb
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.578 [brltty] file opened: /etc/brltty/Contraction/en.ctb fd=10
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.578 [brltty] including data file: /etc/brltty/Contraction/en.ctb
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.578 [brltty] file opened: /etc/brltty/Contraction/en-ueb-g2.ctb fd=11
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.578 [brltty] including data file: /etc/brltty/Contraction/en-ueb-g2.ctb
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.578 [brltty] file opened: /etc/brltty/Contraction/en-ueb-g1.ctb fd=12
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.578 [brltty] including data file: /etc/brltty/Contraction/en-ueb-g1.ctb
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] file opened: /etc/brltty/Contraction/letters-latin.cti fd=13
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] including data file: /etc/brltty/Contraction/letters-latin.cti
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] processing CLDR annotations file: /usr/share/unicode/cldr/common/annotations/en.xml
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] CLDR open error: No such file or directory: /usr/share/unicode/cldr/common/annotations/en.xml
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] possible cause: the package that defines the CLDR annotations directory is not installed
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] emoji substitutiion won't be performed
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] processing CLDR annotations file: /usr/share/unicode/cldr/common/annotations/en.xml
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] CLDR open error: No such file or directory: /usr/share/unicode/cldr/common/annotations/en.xml
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] possible cause: the package that defines the CLDR annotations directory is not installed
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] emoji substitutiion won't be performed
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] lock descriptor allocated: contraction-table
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] Contraction Table: en
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] program exit event added: contraction-table
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] Attributes Table: left_right
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] program exit event added: attributes-table
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] Keyboard Property: type=
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] Keyboard Property: vendor=
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] Keyboard Property: product=
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] program exit event added: keyboard-table
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] keyboard table changed: off -> off
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] Keyboard Table: off
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] program exit event added: screen-driver
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] activity action request: screen-driver: start
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] activity state change: screen-driver: 4[preparing]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] activity state change: screen-driver: 1[prepared]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] activity state change: screen-driver: 2[scheduled]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] program exit event added: braille-data
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] program exit event added: braille-driver
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] activity action request: braille-driver: start
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 4[preparing]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] Braille Display Dimensions: 1 column, 1 row
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] regions: text=0.1 status=0.0
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] shifts: full=1 half=0 vertical=5
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 1[prepared]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 2[scheduled]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] program exit event added: speech-data
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] program exit event added: speech-driver
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] activity action request: speech-driver: start
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] activity state change: speech-driver: 4[preparing]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] activity state change: speech-driver: 1[prepared]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] activity state change: speech-driver: 2[scheduled]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] Speech Input: none
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] BrlAPI Server: release 0.8.5
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] API Parameter: auth=
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.579 [brltty] API Parameter: host=
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] program exit event added: address-table
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] program exit event added: api-server
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] program exit event added: sessions
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] pushed command environment: main
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] pushed command handler: unhandled
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] pushed command handler: miscellaneous
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] pushed command handler: learn
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] pushed command handler: speech
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] lock descriptor allocated: main-clipboard
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] program exit event added: main-clipboard
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] pushed command handler: clipboard
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] pushed command handler: preferences
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] pushed command handler: toggle
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] report listener registered: 3: brailleWindowUpdatedListener
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] pushed command handler: touch
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] report listener registered: 0: keycodeCommandDataResetListener
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] pushed command handler: keycodes
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] report listener registered: 0: inputCommandDataResetListener
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] pushed command handler: input
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] pushed command handler: navigation
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] pushed command handler: override
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] pushed command handler: screen
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] pushed command handler: custom
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] pushed command handler: API
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] activity state change: screen-driver: 6[starting]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] checking for screen driver: lx
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] initializing screen driver: lx
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] device directory: /dev
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] checking screen device: /dev/vcsa
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] screen device: vcsa
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] checking console device: /dev/tty0
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] console device: tty0
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] checking unicode device: /dev/vcsu
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] unicode device: vcsu
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] device opened: /dev/tty0: fd=11
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] screen driver: console opened: tty0: fd=11
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] device opened: /dev/vcsa: fd=12
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] screen driver: screen opened: vcsa: fd=12
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] screen driver: screen is monitorable: yes
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] checking uinput device: /dev/uinput
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] uinput device: uinput
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] device opened: /dev/uinput: fd=13
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.580 [brltty] uinput opened: uinput: BRLTTY 6.6 Linux Screen Driver Keyboard fd=13
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.581 [brltty] report listener registered: 1: lxBrailleDeviceOfflineListener
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.581 [brltty] Screen Driver: lx [Linux]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.581 [brltty] Screen Parameter: charset=
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.581 [brltty] Screen Parameter: fallbacktext=
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.581 [brltty] Screen Parameter: hfb=
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.581 [brltty] Screen Parameter: logsfm=
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.581 [brltty] Screen Parameter: rpispacesbug=
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.581 [brltty] Screen Parameter: unicode=
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.581 [brltty] Screen Parameter: vt=
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.581 [brltty] Screen Parameter: widecharpadding=
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.581 [brltty] activity state change: screen-driver: 3[started]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.581 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 6[starting]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.581 [brltty] checking braille device: usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.581 [brltty] braille device type: USB
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.581 [brltty] performing braille driver autodetection
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.581 [brltty] checking for braille driver: al
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.581 [brltty] initializing braille driver: al -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.583 [server-main] lock descriptor allocated: umask
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.583 [server-main] another BrlAPI server is already listening on 0 (file /var/lib/BrlAPI/.0 exists)
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.584 [server-main] error while creating socket 0
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.686 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: al -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.687 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.687 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.689 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.689 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bn
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.690 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.692 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.693 [brltty] checking for braille driver: cn
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.693 [brltty] initializing braille driver: cn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.695 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: cn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.695 [brltty] checking for braille driver: dp
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.696 [brltty] initializing braille driver: dp -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.698 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: dp -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.698 [brltty] checking for braille driver: eu
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.699 [brltty] initializing braille driver: eu -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.701 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: eu -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.701 [brltty] checking for braille driver: fs
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.702 [brltty] initializing braille driver: fs -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.703 [brltty] USB: Manufacturer Name: Freedom Scientific
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.703 [brltty] USB: Product Description: FOCUS 5
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.704 [brltty] USB: Serial Number: 1234567
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.705 [brltty] program exit event added: sorted-usb-serial-adapters
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.705 [brltty] activity state change: speech-driver: 6[starting]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.705 [brltty] no autodetectable speech drivers
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.705 [brltty] checking for speech driver: no
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.705 [brltty] initializing speech driver: no
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.706 [brltty] device opened: /dev/vcsu: fd=26
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.706 [brltty] screen driver: unicode opened: vcsu: fd=26
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.706 [brltty] device opened: /dev/tty0: fd=27
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.706 [brltty] screen driver: console opened: tty0: fd=27
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.706 [brltty] screen driver: Font Map Size: 303
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.706 [brltty] screen driver: VGA Character Count: 256(small)
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.706 [brltty] screen driver: Attributes Masks: Font:0000 Unshifted:FF00 Shifted:0000
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.706 [brltty] screen driver: character mapping changed
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.706 [brltty] screen driver: console number changed: 0 -> 1
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.706 [brltty] Speech Driver: no [NoSpeech]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:05.706 [brltty] activity state change: speech-driver: 3[started]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.013 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: fs -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.013 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hd
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.014 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hd -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.015 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hd -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.015 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.015 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.018 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.018 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ht
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.018 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ht -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.021 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ht -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.021 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hw
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.021 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hw -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.024 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hw -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.024 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ic
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.024 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ic -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.027 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ic -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.027 [brltty] checking for braille driver: mt
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.027 [brltty] initializing braille driver: mt -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.030 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: mt -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.030 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pg
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.030 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pg -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.033 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pg -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.033 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.033 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.036 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.036 [brltty] checking for braille driver: sk
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.036 [brltty] initializing braille driver: sk -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.039 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: sk -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.039 [brltty] checking for braille driver: vo
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.039 [brltty] initializing braille driver: vo -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.042 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: vo -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.042 [brltty] braille driver not found
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.042 [brltty] checking braille device: bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.042 [brltty] braille device type: Bluetooth
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.044 [brltty] performing braille driver autodetection
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.044 [brltty] checking for braille driver: al
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.044 [brltty] initializing braille driver: al -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.044 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: al -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.044 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.044 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.044 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.044 [brltty] checking for braille driver: dp
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.044 [brltty] initializing braille driver: dp -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.044 [brltty] unsupported generic resource identifier: bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.044 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: dp -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.044 [brltty] checking for braille driver: eu
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.044 [brltty] initializing braille driver: eu -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.044 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: eu -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.044 [brltty] checking for braille driver: fs
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.044 [brltty] initializing braille driver: fs -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.044 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: fs -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.044 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.044 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.044 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.044 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ht
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.045 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ht -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.045 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ht -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.045 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hw
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.045 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hw -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.045 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hw -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.045 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ic
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.045 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ic -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.045 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ic -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.045 [brltty] checking for braille driver: md
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.045 [brltty] initializing braille driver: md -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.045 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: md -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.045 [brltty] checking for braille driver: mm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.045 [brltty] initializing braille driver: mm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.045 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: mm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.045 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.045 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.045 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.045 [brltty] checking for braille driver: sk
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.045 [brltty] initializing braille driver: sk -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.045 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: sk -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.045 [brltty] checking for braille driver: vo
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.045 [brltty] initializing braille driver: vo -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.045 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: vo -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.045 [brltty] braille driver not found
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.045 [brltty] activity action failed: braille-driver: start
2024-12-29 at 14:27:06.045 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 2[scheduled]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.580 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 6[starting]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.580 [brltty] checking braille device: usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.580 [brltty] braille device type: USB
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.580 [brltty] performing braille driver autodetection
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.580 [brltty] checking for braille driver: al
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.580 [brltty] initializing braille driver: al -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.686 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: al -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.687 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.687 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.689 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.690 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bn
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.690 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.693 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.693 [brltty] checking for braille driver: cn
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.693 [brltty] initializing braille driver: cn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.695 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: cn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.696 [brltty] checking for braille driver: dp
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.696 [brltty] initializing braille driver: dp -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.698 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: dp -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.699 [brltty] checking for braille driver: eu
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.699 [brltty] initializing braille driver: eu -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.701 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: eu -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.702 [brltty] checking for braille driver: fs
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.702 [brltty] initializing braille driver: fs -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.703 [brltty] USB: Manufacturer Name: Freedom Scientific
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.703 [brltty] USB: Product Description: FOCUS 5
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.704 [brltty] USB: Serial Number: 1234567
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.706 [brltty] Detected Focus 40: cells=40, firmware=5.82-20
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.706 [brltty] Manufacturer: FREEDOM SCIENTIFIC
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.706 [brltty] Model: Focus 40
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.706 [brltty] Firmware: 5.82-20
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.706 [brltty] Braille Display Dimensions: 40 columns, 1 row
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.706 [brltty] regions: text=0.40 status=0.0
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.706 [brltty] shifts: full=40 half=20 vertical=5
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.706 [brltty] Key Bindings: focus40
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.706 [brltty] program exit event added: sorted-command-table
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.706 [brltty] file opened: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/focus40.ktb fd=29
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.706 [brltty] including data file: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/focus40.ktb
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.706 [brltty] file opened: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/focus.kti fd=30
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.706 [brltty] including data file: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/focus.kti
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.706 [brltty] file opened: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/common.kti fd=31
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.706 [brltty] including data file: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/common.kti
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.706 [brltty] file opened: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/keyboard.kti fd=31
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.706 [brltty] including data file: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/keyboard.kti
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.707 [brltty] program exit event added: sorted-keyboard-functions
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.707 [brltty] file opened: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/../chords.kti fd=32
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.707 [brltty] including data file: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/../chords.kti
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.707 [brltty] file opened: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/../toggle.kti fd=33
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.707 [brltty] including data file: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/../toggle.kti
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.707 [brltty] file opened: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/../toggle.kti fd=33
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.707 [brltty] including data file: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/../toggle.kti
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.707 [brltty] file opened: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/../toggle.kti fd=33
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.707 [brltty] including data file: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/../toggle.kti
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.707 [brltty] file opened: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/../toggle.kti fd=33
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.707 [brltty] including data file: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/../toggle.kti
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.707 [brltty] file opened: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/../toggle.kti fd=33
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.707 [brltty] including data file: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/../toggle.kti
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.707 [brltty] file opened: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/../toggle.kti fd=33
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.707 [brltty] including data file: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/../toggle.kti
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.707 [brltty] file opened: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/../toggle.kti fd=33
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.707 [brltty] including data file: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/../toggle.kti
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.707 [brltty] file opened: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/../toggle.kti fd=33
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.707 [brltty] including data file: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/../toggle.kti
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.707 [brltty] file opened: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/../toggle.kti fd=33
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.707 [brltty] including data file: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/../toggle.kti
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.707 [brltty] file opened: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/../toggle.kti fd=33
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.707 [brltty] including data file: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/../toggle.kti
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.707 [brltty] file opened: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/../menu.kti fd=33
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.707 [brltty] including data file: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/../menu.kti
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.707 [brltty] file opened: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/speech.kti fd=31
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.707 [brltty] including data file: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/speech.kti
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.707 [brltty] file opened: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/rockers.kti fd=30
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.707 [brltty] including data file: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/rockers.kti
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.709 [brltty] Key Table: /etc/brltty/Input/fs/focus40.ktb
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.709 [brltty] constructing special screen: help
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.709 [brltty] lock descriptor allocated: braille-driver
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.709 [brltty] braille is online
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.709 [brltty] Braille Driver: fs [FreedomScientific]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.709 [brltty] Braille Device: usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.709 [brltty] Old Preferences File: /etc/brltty-fs.prefs
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.709 [brltty] report listener registered: 0: brlapi_handleReports
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.709 [brltty] regions: text=0.40 status=0.0
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.709 [brltty] shifts: full=40 half=20 vertical=5
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.709 [brltty] setting braille firmness: 2
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.709 [brltty] program exit event added: alert-tunes
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.709 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 3[started]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.709 [brltty] report listener unregistered: 0: brlapi_handleReports
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.710 [brltty] pushed command environment: message
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.710 [brltty] pushed command handler: message
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.710 [tune-thread] beeper enabled
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.710 [tune-thread] tone: MSecs:60 Freq:329
2024-12-29 at 14:27:10.770 [tune-thread] tone: MSecs:100 Freq:440
2024-12-29 at 14:27:11.284 [brltty] program exit event added: command-queue
2024-12-29 at 14:27:11.284 [brltty] command: 00001D (HOME: go to screen cursor)
2024-12-29 at 14:27:11.284 [brltty] popped command handler: message
2024-12-29 at 14:27:11.284 [brltty] popped command environment: message
2024-12-29 at 14:27:11.284 [brltty] report listener registered: 0: brlapi_handleReports
2024-12-29 at 14:27:12.771 [tune-thread] beeper disabled
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.189 [brltty] USB URB status error 71: Protocol error
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.189 [brltty] braille input monitor error 19: No such device
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.189 [brltty] report listener unregistered: 0: brlapi_handleReports
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.189 [brltty] pushed command environment: message
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.189 [brltty] pushed command handler: message
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.189 [brltty] USB bulk transfer error 71: Protocol error
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.189 [brltty] popped command handler: message
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.189 [brltty] popped command environment: message
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.189 [brltty] report listener registered: 0: brlapi_handleReports
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.189 [brltty] activity action request: braille-driver: stop
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.189 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 9[stopping]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.189 [brltty] report listener unregistered: 0: brlapi_handleReports
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.191 [brltty] braille is offline
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.192 [brltty] USB: endpoint descriptor not found: D5
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.192 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 0[stopped]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.192 [brltty] reinitialising braille driver
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.192 [brltty] activity action request: braille-driver: start
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.192 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 4[preparing]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.192 [brltty] Braille Display Dimensions: 1 column, 1 row
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.192 [brltty] regions: text=0.1 status=0.0
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.192 [brltty] shifts: full=1 half=0 vertical=5
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.192 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 1[prepared]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.192 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 2[scheduled]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.192 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 6[starting]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.192 [brltty] checking braille device: usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.192 [brltty] braille device type: USB
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.192 [brltty] performing braille driver autodetection
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.192 [brltty] checking for braille driver: al
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.192 [brltty] initializing braille driver: al -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.192 [tune-thread] beeper enabled
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.193 [tune-thread] tone: MSecs:60 Freq:329
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.195 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: al -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.195 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.195 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.198 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.198 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bn
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.198 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.201 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.201 [brltty] checking for braille driver: cn
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.201 [brltty] initializing braille driver: cn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.204 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: cn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.204 [brltty] checking for braille driver: dp
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.204 [brltty] initializing braille driver: dp -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.207 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: dp -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.207 [brltty] checking for braille driver: eu
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.207 [brltty] initializing braille driver: eu -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.210 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: eu -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.210 [brltty] checking for braille driver: fs
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.210 [brltty] initializing braille driver: fs -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.211 [brltty] USB control transfer error 71: Protocol error
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.211 [brltty] USB language code string read error
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.211 [brltty] USB control transfer error 71: Protocol error
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.211 [brltty] USB language code string read error
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.212 [brltty] USB control transfer error 71: Protocol error
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.212 [brltty] USB language code string read error
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.212 [brltty] USB configuration set error 71: Protocol error
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.212 [brltty] USB control transfer error 71: Protocol error
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.212 [brltty] USB configuration descriptor not readable: 0
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.213 [brltty] USB configuration descriptor not found: 1
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.213 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: fs -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.213 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hd
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.213 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hd -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.214 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hd -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.214 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.214 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.217 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.217 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ht
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.217 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ht -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.220 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ht -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.220 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hw
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.220 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hw -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.223 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hw -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.223 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ic
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.223 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ic -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.226 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ic -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.226 [brltty] checking for braille driver: mt
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.226 [brltty] initializing braille driver: mt -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.229 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: mt -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.229 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pg
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.229 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pg -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.232 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pg -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.232 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.232 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.235 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.235 [brltty] checking for braille driver: sk
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.235 [brltty] initializing braille driver: sk -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.238 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: sk -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.238 [brltty] checking for braille driver: vo
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.238 [brltty] initializing braille driver: vo -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.241 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: vo -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.241 [brltty] braille driver not found
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.241 [brltty] checking braille device: bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.241 [brltty] braille device type: Bluetooth
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.242 [brltty] performing braille driver autodetection
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.242 [brltty] checking for braille driver: al
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.242 [brltty] initializing braille driver: al -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.242 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: al -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.242 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.242 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.242 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.242 [brltty] checking for braille driver: dp
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.242 [brltty] initializing braille driver: dp -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.242 [brltty] unsupported generic resource identifier: bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.242 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: dp -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.242 [brltty] checking for braille driver: eu
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.242 [brltty] initializing braille driver: eu -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.242 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: eu -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.242 [brltty] checking for braille driver: fs
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.242 [brltty] initializing braille driver: fs -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.242 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: fs -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.242 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.242 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.242 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.242 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ht
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.242 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ht -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.242 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ht -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.242 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hw
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.243 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hw -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.243 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hw -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.243 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ic
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.243 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ic -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.243 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ic -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.243 [brltty] checking for braille driver: md
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.243 [brltty] initializing braille driver: md -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.243 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: md -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.243 [brltty] checking for braille driver: mm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.243 [brltty] initializing braille driver: mm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.243 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: mm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.243 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.243 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.243 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.243 [brltty] checking for braille driver: sk
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.243 [brltty] initializing braille driver: sk -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.243 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: sk -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.243 [brltty] checking for braille driver: vo
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.243 [brltty] initializing braille driver: vo -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.243 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: vo -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.243 [brltty] braille driver not found
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.243 [brltty] activity action failed: braille-driver: start
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.243 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 2[scheduled]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:38.253 [tune-thread] tone: MSecs:60 Freq:220
2024-12-29 at 14:27:40.255 [tune-thread] beeper disabled
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.197 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 6[starting]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.197 [brltty] checking braille device: usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.197 [brltty] braille device type: USB
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.197 [brltty] performing braille driver autodetection
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.197 [brltty] checking for braille driver: al
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.197 [brltty] initializing braille driver: al -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.303 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: al -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.303 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.304 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.306 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.306 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bn
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.306 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.309 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.309 [brltty] checking for braille driver: cn
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.309 [brltty] initializing braille driver: cn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.312 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: cn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.312 [brltty] checking for braille driver: dp
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.312 [brltty] initializing braille driver: dp -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.315 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: dp -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.315 [brltty] checking for braille driver: eu
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.315 [brltty] initializing braille driver: eu -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.318 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: eu -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.318 [brltty] checking for braille driver: fs
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.318 [brltty] initializing braille driver: fs -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.321 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: fs -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.321 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hd
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.321 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hd -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.324 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hd -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.324 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.325 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.327 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.327 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ht
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.327 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ht -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.330 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ht -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.330 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hw
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.330 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hw -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.333 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hw -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.333 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ic
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.333 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ic -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.336 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ic -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.336 [brltty] checking for braille driver: mt
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.336 [brltty] initializing braille driver: mt -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.339 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: mt -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.339 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pg
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.339 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pg -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.342 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pg -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.342 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.342 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.345 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.345 [brltty] checking for braille driver: sk
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.345 [brltty] initializing braille driver: sk -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.348 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: sk -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.348 [brltty] checking for braille driver: vo
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.348 [brltty] initializing braille driver: vo -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.351 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: vo -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.351 [brltty] braille driver not found
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.351 [brltty] checking braille device: bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.351 [brltty] braille device type: Bluetooth
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.352 [brltty] performing braille driver autodetection
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.352 [brltty] checking for braille driver: al
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.352 [brltty] initializing braille driver: al -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.352 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: al -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.352 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.352 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.352 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.352 [brltty] checking for braille driver: dp
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.352 [brltty] initializing braille driver: dp -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.352 [brltty] unsupported generic resource identifier: bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.352 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: dp -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.352 [brltty] checking for braille driver: eu
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.352 [brltty] initializing braille driver: eu -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.352 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: eu -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.352 [brltty] checking for braille driver: fs
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.352 [brltty] initializing braille driver: fs -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.352 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: fs -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.352 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.352 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.352 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.352 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ht
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.352 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ht -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.352 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ht -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.352 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hw
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.353 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hw -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.353 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hw -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.353 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ic
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.353 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ic -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.353 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ic -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.353 [brltty] checking for braille driver: md
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.353 [brltty] initializing braille driver: md -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.353 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: md -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.353 [brltty] checking for braille driver: mm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.353 [brltty] initializing braille driver: mm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.353 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: mm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.353 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.353 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.353 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.353 [brltty] checking for braille driver: sk
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.353 [brltty] initializing braille driver: sk -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.353 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: sk -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.353 [brltty] checking for braille driver: vo
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.353 [brltty] initializing braille driver: vo -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.353 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: vo -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.353 [brltty] braille driver not found
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.353 [brltty] activity action failed: braille-driver: start
2024-12-29 at 14:27:43.353 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 2[scheduled]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.196 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 6[starting]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.196 [brltty] checking braille device: usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.196 [brltty] braille device type: USB
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.197 [brltty] performing braille driver autodetection
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.197 [brltty] checking for braille driver: al
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.197 [brltty] initializing braille driver: al -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.303 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: al -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.303 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.303 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.306 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.306 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bn
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.306 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.309 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.309 [brltty] checking for braille driver: cn
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.310 [brltty] initializing braille driver: cn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.312 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: cn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.312 [brltty] checking for braille driver: dp
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.312 [brltty] initializing braille driver: dp -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.315 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: dp -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.315 [brltty] checking for braille driver: eu
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.315 [brltty] initializing braille driver: eu -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.318 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: eu -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.318 [brltty] checking for braille driver: fs
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.318 [brltty] initializing braille driver: fs -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.321 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: fs -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.321 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hd
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.321 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hd -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.324 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hd -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.324 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.325 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.327 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.327 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ht
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.327 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ht -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.330 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ht -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.330 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hw
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.330 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hw -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.333 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hw -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.333 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ic
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.333 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ic -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.336 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ic -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.336 [brltty] checking for braille driver: mt
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.336 [brltty] initializing braille driver: mt -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.339 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: mt -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.339 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pg
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.339 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pg -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.342 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pg -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.342 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.342 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.345 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.345 [brltty] checking for braille driver: sk
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.346 [brltty] initializing braille driver: sk -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.348 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: sk -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.348 [brltty] checking for braille driver: vo
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.348 [brltty] initializing braille driver: vo -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.351 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: vo -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.351 [brltty] braille driver not found
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.351 [brltty] checking braille device: bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.351 [brltty] braille device type: Bluetooth
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.352 [brltty] performing braille driver autodetection
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.352 [brltty] checking for braille driver: al
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.352 [brltty] initializing braille driver: al -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.352 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: al -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.352 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.352 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.352 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.352 [brltty] checking for braille driver: dp
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.352 [brltty] initializing braille driver: dp -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.352 [brltty] unsupported generic resource identifier: bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.352 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: dp -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.352 [brltty] checking for braille driver: eu
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.352 [brltty] initializing braille driver: eu -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.352 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: eu -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.352 [brltty] checking for braille driver: fs
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.353 [brltty] initializing braille driver: fs -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.353 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: fs -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.353 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.353 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.353 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.353 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ht
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.353 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ht -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.353 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ht -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.353 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hw
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.353 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hw -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.353 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hw -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.353 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ic
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.353 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ic -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.353 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ic -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.353 [brltty] checking for braille driver: md
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.353 [brltty] initializing braille driver: md -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.353 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: md -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.353 [brltty] checking for braille driver: mm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.353 [brltty] initializing braille driver: mm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.353 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: mm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.353 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.353 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.353 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.353 [brltty] checking for braille driver: sk
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.353 [brltty] initializing braille driver: sk -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.353 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: sk -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.353 [brltty] checking for braille driver: vo
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.353 [brltty] initializing braille driver: vo -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.353 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: vo -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.353 [brltty] braille driver not found
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.353 [brltty] activity action failed: braille-driver: start
2024-12-29 at 14:27:48.354 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 2[scheduled]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.197 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 6[starting]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.197 [brltty] checking braille device: usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.197 [brltty] braille device type: USB
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.197 [brltty] performing braille driver autodetection
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.197 [brltty] checking for braille driver: al
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.197 [brltty] initializing braille driver: al -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.303 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: al -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.303 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.313 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.315 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.315 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bn
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.315 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.318 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.318 [brltty] checking for braille driver: cn
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.318 [brltty] initializing braille driver: cn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.321 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: cn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.321 [brltty] checking for braille driver: dp
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.321 [brltty] initializing braille driver: dp -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.324 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: dp -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.324 [brltty] checking for braille driver: eu
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.324 [brltty] initializing braille driver: eu -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.327 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: eu -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.327 [brltty] checking for braille driver: fs
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.327 [brltty] initializing braille driver: fs -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.330 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: fs -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.330 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hd
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.330 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hd -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.333 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hd -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.333 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.333 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.336 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.336 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ht
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.336 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ht -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.339 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ht -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.339 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hw
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.339 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hw -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.342 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hw -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.342 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ic
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.343 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ic -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.345 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ic -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.345 [brltty] checking for braille driver: mt
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.345 [brltty] initializing braille driver: mt -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.348 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: mt -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.348 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pg
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.348 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pg -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.351 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pg -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.351 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.351 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.354 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.354 [brltty] checking for braille driver: sk
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.354 [brltty] initializing braille driver: sk -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.357 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: sk -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.357 [brltty] checking for braille driver: vo
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.357 [brltty] initializing braille driver: vo -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.360 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: vo -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.360 [brltty] braille driver not found
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.360 [brltty] checking braille device: bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.360 [brltty] braille device type: Bluetooth
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.361 [brltty] performing braille driver autodetection
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.361 [brltty] checking for braille driver: al
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.361 [brltty] initializing braille driver: al -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.361 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: al -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.361 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.361 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.361 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.361 [brltty] checking for braille driver: dp
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.361 [brltty] initializing braille driver: dp -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.361 [brltty] unsupported generic resource identifier: bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.361 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: dp -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.362 [brltty] checking for braille driver: eu
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.362 [brltty] initializing braille driver: eu -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.362 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: eu -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.362 [brltty] checking for braille driver: fs
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.362 [brltty] initializing braille driver: fs -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.362 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: fs -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.362 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.362 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.362 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.362 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ht
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.362 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ht -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.362 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ht -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.362 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hw
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.362 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hw -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.362 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hw -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.362 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ic
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.362 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ic -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.362 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ic -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.362 [brltty] checking for braille driver: md
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.362 [brltty] initializing braille driver: md -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.362 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: md -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.362 [brltty] checking for braille driver: mm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.362 [brltty] initializing braille driver: mm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.362 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: mm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.362 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.362 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.362 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.362 [brltty] checking for braille driver: sk
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.363 [brltty] initializing braille driver: sk -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.363 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: sk -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.363 [brltty] checking for braille driver: vo
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.363 [brltty] initializing braille driver: vo -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.363 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: vo -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.363 [brltty] braille driver not found
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.363 [brltty] activity action failed: braille-driver: start
2024-12-29 at 14:27:53.363 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 2[scheduled]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.195 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 6[starting]
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.195 [brltty] checking braille device: usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.195 [brltty] braille device type: USB
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.195 [brltty] performing braille driver autodetection
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.195 [brltty] checking for braille driver: al
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.196 [brltty] initializing braille driver: al -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.302 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: al -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.302 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.303 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.305 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.305 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bn
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.305 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.308 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.314 [brltty] checking for braille driver: cn
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.314 [brltty] initializing braille driver: cn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.316 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: cn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.316 [brltty] checking for braille driver: dp
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.316 [brltty] initializing braille driver: dp -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.319 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: dp -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.319 [brltty] checking for braille driver: eu
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.319 [brltty] initializing braille driver: eu -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.322 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: eu -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.322 [brltty] checking for braille driver: fs
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.322 [brltty] initializing braille driver: fs -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.325 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: fs -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.325 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hd
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.325 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hd -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.328 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hd -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.328 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.328 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.331 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.331 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ht
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.331 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ht -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.334 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ht -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.334 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hw
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.334 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hw -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.337 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hw -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.337 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ic
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.337 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ic -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.340 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ic -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.340 [brltty] checking for braille driver: mt
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.340 [brltty] initializing braille driver: mt -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.343 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: mt -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.343 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pg
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.344 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pg -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.346 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pg -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.346 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.346 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.349 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.349 [brltty] checking for braille driver: sk
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.350 [brltty] initializing braille driver: sk -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.352 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: sk -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.352 [brltty] checking for braille driver: vo
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.352 [brltty] initializing braille driver: vo -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.355 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: vo -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.355 [brltty] braille driver not found
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.355 [brltty] checking braille device: bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.355 [brltty] braille device type: Bluetooth
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.356 [brltty] performing braille driver autodetection
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.356 [brltty] checking for braille driver: al
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.356 [brltty] initializing braille driver: al -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.356 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: al -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.356 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.356 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.356 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.356 [brltty] checking for braille driver: dp
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.356 [brltty] initializing braille driver: dp -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.356 [brltty] unsupported generic resource identifier: bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.356 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: dp -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.356 [brltty] checking for braille driver: eu
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.357 [brltty] initializing braille driver: eu -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.357 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: eu -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.357 [brltty] checking for braille driver: fs
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.357 [brltty] initializing braille driver: fs -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.357 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: fs -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.357 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.357 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.357 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.357 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ht
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.357 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ht -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.357 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ht -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.357 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hw
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.357 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hw -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.357 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hw -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.357 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ic
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.357 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ic -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.357 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ic -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.357 [brltty] checking for braille driver: md
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.357 [brltty] initializing braille driver: md -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.357 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: md -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.357 [brltty] checking for braille driver: mm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.357 [brltty] initializing braille driver: mm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.357 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: mm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.357 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pm
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.357 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.357 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.357 [brltty] checking for braille driver: sk
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.357 [brltty] initializing braille driver: sk -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.357 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: sk -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.358 [brltty] checking for braille driver: vo
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.358 [brltty] initializing braille driver: vo -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.358 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: vo -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.358 [brltty] braille driver not found
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.358 [brltty] activity action failed: braille-driver: start
2024-12-29 at 14:27:58.358 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 2[scheduled]
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.197 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 6[starting]
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.197 [brltty] checking braille device: usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.197 [brltty] braille device type: USB
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.197 [brltty] performing braille driver autodetection
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.197 [brltty] checking for braille driver: al
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.197 [brltty] initializing braille driver: al -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.303 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: al -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.303 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.304 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.306 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.306 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bn
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.306 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.309 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.309 [brltty] checking for braille driver: cn
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.318 [brltty] initializing braille driver: cn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.320 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: cn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.320 [brltty] checking for braille driver: dp
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.320 [brltty] initializing braille driver: dp -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.323 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: dp -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.323 [brltty] checking for braille driver: eu
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.323 [brltty] initializing braille driver: eu -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.326 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: eu -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.326 [brltty] checking for braille driver: fs
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.326 [brltty] initializing braille driver: fs -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.329 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: fs -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.329 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hd
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.329 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hd -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.332 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hd -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.332 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.332 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.335 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.335 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ht
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.335 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ht -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.338 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ht -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.338 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hw
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.338 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hw -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.341 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hw -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.341 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ic
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.341 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ic -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.344 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ic -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.344 [brltty] checking for braille driver: mt
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.344 [brltty] initializing braille driver: mt -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.347 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: mt -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.347 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pg
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.347 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pg -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.350 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pg -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.350 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.350 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.353 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.353 [brltty] checking for braille driver: sk
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.353 [brltty] initializing braille driver: sk -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.356 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: sk -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.356 [brltty] checking for braille driver: vo
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.356 [brltty] initializing braille driver: vo -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.359 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: vo -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.359 [brltty] braille driver not found
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.359 [brltty] checking braille device: bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.359 [brltty] braille device type: Bluetooth
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.359 [brltty] performing braille driver autodetection
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.359 [brltty] checking for braille driver: al
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.359 [brltty] initializing braille driver: al -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.359 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: al -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.359 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.359 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.359 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.360 [brltty] checking for braille driver: dp
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.360 [brltty] initializing braille driver: dp -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.360 [brltty] unsupported generic resource identifier: bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.360 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: dp -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.360 [brltty] checking for braille driver: eu
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.360 [brltty] initializing braille driver: eu -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.360 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: eu -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.360 [brltty] checking for braille driver: fs
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.360 [brltty] initializing braille driver: fs -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.360 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: fs -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.360 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.360 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.360 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.360 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ht
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.360 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ht -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.360 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ht -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.360 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hw
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.360 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hw -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.360 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hw -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.360 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ic
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.360 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ic -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.360 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ic -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.360 [brltty] checking for braille driver: md
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.360 [brltty] initializing braille driver: md -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.360 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: md -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.360 [brltty] checking for braille driver: mm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.360 [brltty] initializing braille driver: mm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.360 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: mm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.360 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.361 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.361 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.361 [brltty] checking for braille driver: sk
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.361 [brltty] initializing braille driver: sk -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.361 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: sk -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.361 [brltty] checking for braille driver: vo
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.361 [brltty] initializing braille driver: vo -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.361 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: vo -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.361 [brltty] braille driver not found
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.361 [brltty] activity action failed: braille-driver: start
2024-12-29 at 14:28:03.361 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 2[scheduled]
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.197 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 6[starting]
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.197 [brltty] checking braille device: usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.197 [brltty] braille device type: USB
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.197 [brltty] performing braille driver autodetection
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.197 [brltty] checking for braille driver: al
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.197 [brltty] initializing braille driver: al -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.304 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: al -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.304 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.304 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.307 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.307 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bn
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.307 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.310 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.310 [brltty] checking for braille driver: cn
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.310 [brltty] initializing braille driver: cn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.313 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: cn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.319 [brltty] checking for braille driver: dp
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.319 [brltty] initializing braille driver: dp -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.321 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: dp -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.321 [brltty] checking for braille driver: eu
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.321 [brltty] initializing braille driver: eu -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.324 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: eu -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.324 [brltty] checking for braille driver: fs
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.324 [brltty] initializing braille driver: fs -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.327 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: fs -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.327 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hd
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.327 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hd -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.330 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hd -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.330 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.330 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.333 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.333 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ht
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.333 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ht -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.336 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ht -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.336 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hw
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.336 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hw -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.339 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hw -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.339 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ic
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.339 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ic -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.342 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ic -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.342 [brltty] checking for braille driver: mt
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.342 [brltty] initializing braille driver: mt -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.345 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: mt -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.345 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pg
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.345 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pg -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.348 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pg -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.348 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.348 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.351 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.351 [brltty] checking for braille driver: sk
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.351 [brltty] initializing braille driver: sk -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.354 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: sk -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.354 [brltty] checking for braille driver: vo
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.354 [brltty] initializing braille driver: vo -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.357 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: vo -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.357 [brltty] braille driver not found
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.357 [brltty] checking braille device: bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.357 [brltty] braille device type: Bluetooth
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.357 [brltty] performing braille driver autodetection
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.357 [brltty] checking for braille driver: al
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.357 [brltty] initializing braille driver: al -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.357 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: al -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.357 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.357 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.357 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.358 [brltty] checking for braille driver: dp
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.358 [brltty] initializing braille driver: dp -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.358 [brltty] unsupported generic resource identifier: bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.358 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: dp -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.358 [brltty] checking for braille driver: eu
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.358 [brltty] initializing braille driver: eu -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.358 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: eu -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.358 [brltty] checking for braille driver: fs
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.358 [brltty] initializing braille driver: fs -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.358 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: fs -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.358 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.358 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.358 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.358 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ht
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.358 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ht -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.358 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ht -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.358 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hw
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.358 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hw -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.358 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hw -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.358 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ic
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.358 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ic -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.358 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ic -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.358 [brltty] checking for braille driver: md
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.358 [brltty] initializing braille driver: md -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.358 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: md -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.358 [brltty] checking for braille driver: mm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.359 [brltty] initializing braille driver: mm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.359 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: mm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.359 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.359 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.359 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.359 [brltty] checking for braille driver: sk
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.359 [brltty] initializing braille driver: sk -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.359 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: sk -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.359 [brltty] checking for braille driver: vo
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.359 [brltty] initializing braille driver: vo -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.359 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: vo -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.359 [brltty] braille driver not found
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.359 [brltty] activity action failed: braille-driver: start
2024-12-29 at 14:28:08.359 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 2[scheduled]
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.196 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 6[starting]
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.196 [brltty] checking braille device: usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.196 [brltty] braille device type: USB
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.196 [brltty] performing braille driver autodetection
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.196 [brltty] checking for braille driver: al
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.197 [brltty] initializing braille driver: al -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.303 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: al -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.303 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.303 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.306 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.306 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bn
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.306 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.309 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.309 [brltty] checking for braille driver: cn
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.309 [brltty] initializing braille driver: cn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.312 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: cn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.312 [brltty] checking for braille driver: dp
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.312 [brltty] initializing braille driver: dp -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.315 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: dp -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.315 [brltty] checking for braille driver: eu
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.325 [brltty] initializing braille driver: eu -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.327 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: eu -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.327 [brltty] checking for braille driver: fs
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.327 [brltty] initializing braille driver: fs -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.330 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: fs -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.330 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hd
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.330 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hd -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.333 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hd -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.333 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.333 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.336 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.336 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ht
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.336 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ht -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.339 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ht -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.339 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hw
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.339 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hw -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.342 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hw -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.342 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ic
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.342 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ic -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.345 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ic -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.345 [brltty] checking for braille driver: mt
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.345 [brltty] initializing braille driver: mt -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.348 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: mt -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.348 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pg
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.348 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pg -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.351 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pg -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.351 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.351 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.354 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.354 [brltty] checking for braille driver: sk
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.354 [brltty] initializing braille driver: sk -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.357 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: sk -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.357 [brltty] checking for braille driver: vo
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.357 [brltty] initializing braille driver: vo -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.360 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: vo -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.360 [brltty] braille driver not found
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.360 [brltty] checking braille device: bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.360 [brltty] braille device type: Bluetooth
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.361 [brltty] performing braille driver autodetection
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.361 [brltty] checking for braille driver: al
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.361 [brltty] initializing braille driver: al -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.361 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: al -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.361 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.361 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.361 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.361 [brltty] checking for braille driver: dp
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.362 [brltty] initializing braille driver: dp -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.362 [brltty] unsupported generic resource identifier: bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.362 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: dp -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.362 [brltty] checking for braille driver: eu
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.362 [brltty] initializing braille driver: eu -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.362 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: eu -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.362 [brltty] checking for braille driver: fs
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.362 [brltty] initializing braille driver: fs -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.362 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: fs -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.362 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.362 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.362 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.362 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ht
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.362 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ht -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.362 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ht -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.362 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hw
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.362 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hw -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.362 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hw -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.362 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ic
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.362 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ic -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.362 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ic -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.362 [brltty] checking for braille driver: md
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.362 [brltty] initializing braille driver: md -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.362 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: md -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.362 [brltty] checking for braille driver: mm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.362 [brltty] initializing braille driver: mm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.362 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: mm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.362 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.363 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.363 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.363 [brltty] checking for braille driver: sk
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.363 [brltty] initializing braille driver: sk -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.363 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: sk -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.363 [brltty] checking for braille driver: vo
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.363 [brltty] initializing braille driver: vo -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.363 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: vo -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.363 [brltty] braille driver not found
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.363 [brltty] activity action failed: braille-driver: start
2024-12-29 at 14:28:13.363 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 2[scheduled]
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.196 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 6[starting]
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.196 [brltty] checking braille device: usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.196 [brltty] braille device type: USB
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.196 [brltty] performing braille driver autodetection
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.196 [brltty] checking for braille driver: al
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.197 [brltty] initializing braille driver: al -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.303 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: al -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.303 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.303 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.306 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.306 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bn
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.306 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.309 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.309 [brltty] checking for braille driver: cn
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.309 [brltty] initializing braille driver: cn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.312 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: cn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.312 [brltty] checking for braille driver: dp
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.312 [brltty] initializing braille driver: dp -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.315 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: dp -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.315 [brltty] checking for braille driver: eu
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.315 [brltty] initializing braille driver: eu -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.318 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: eu -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.324 [brltty] checking for braille driver: fs
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.324 [brltty] initializing braille driver: fs -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.326 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: fs -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.326 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hd
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.326 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hd -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.329 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hd -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.329 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.329 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.332 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.332 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ht
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.332 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ht -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.335 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ht -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.335 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hw
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.335 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hw -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.338 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hw -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.338 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ic
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.338 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ic -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.341 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ic -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.341 [brltty] checking for braille driver: mt
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.341 [brltty] initializing braille driver: mt -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.344 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: mt -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.344 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pg
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.344 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pg -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.347 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pg -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.347 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.347 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.349 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.350 [brltty] checking for braille driver: sk
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.350 [brltty] initializing braille driver: sk -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.353 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: sk -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.353 [brltty] checking for braille driver: vo
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.353 [brltty] initializing braille driver: vo -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.355 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: vo -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.356 [brltty] braille driver not found
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.356 [brltty] checking braille device: bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.356 [brltty] braille device type: Bluetooth
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.357 [brltty] performing braille driver autodetection
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.357 [brltty] checking for braille driver: al
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.357 [brltty] initializing braille driver: al -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.357 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: al -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.357 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.357 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.357 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.357 [brltty] checking for braille driver: dp
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.357 [brltty] initializing braille driver: dp -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.357 [brltty] unsupported generic resource identifier: bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.357 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: dp -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.357 [brltty] checking for braille driver: eu
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.357 [brltty] initializing braille driver: eu -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.357 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: eu -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.357 [brltty] checking for braille driver: fs
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.357 [brltty] initializing braille driver: fs -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.357 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: fs -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.357 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.357 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.357 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.357 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ht
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.357 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ht -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.357 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ht -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.357 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hw
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.358 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hw -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.358 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hw -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.358 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ic
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.358 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ic -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.358 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ic -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.358 [brltty] checking for braille driver: md
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.358 [brltty] initializing braille driver: md -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.358 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: md -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.358 [brltty] checking for braille driver: mm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.358 [brltty] initializing braille driver: mm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.358 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: mm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.358 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.358 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.358 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.358 [brltty] checking for braille driver: sk
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.358 [brltty] initializing braille driver: sk -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.358 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: sk -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.358 [brltty] checking for braille driver: vo
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.358 [brltty] initializing braille driver: vo -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.358 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: vo -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.358 [brltty] braille driver not found
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.358 [brltty] activity action failed: braille-driver: start
2024-12-29 at 14:28:18.358 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 2[scheduled]
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.196 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 6[starting]
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.197 [brltty] checking braille device: usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.197 [brltty] braille device type: USB
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.197 [brltty] performing braille driver autodetection
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.197 [brltty] checking for braille driver: al
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.197 [brltty] initializing braille driver: al -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.303 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: al -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.303 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.303 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.306 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.306 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bn
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.306 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.308 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.309 [brltty] checking for braille driver: cn
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.309 [brltty] initializing braille driver: cn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.311 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: cn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.312 [brltty] checking for braille driver: dp
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.312 [brltty] initializing braille driver: dp -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.314 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: dp -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.315 [brltty] checking for braille driver: eu
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.315 [brltty] initializing braille driver: eu -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.317 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: eu -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.318 [brltty] checking for braille driver: fs
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.327 [brltty] initializing braille driver: fs -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.329 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: fs -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.329 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hd
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.330 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hd -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.332 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hd -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.333 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.333 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.336 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.336 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ht
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.336 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ht -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.338 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ht -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.339 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hw
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.339 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hw -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.341 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hw -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.342 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ic
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.342 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ic -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.345 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ic -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.345 [brltty] checking for braille driver: mt
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.345 [brltty] initializing braille driver: mt -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.347 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: mt -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.348 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pg
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.348 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pg -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.350 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pg -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.351 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.351 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.353 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.354 [brltty] checking for braille driver: sk
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.354 [brltty] initializing braille driver: sk -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.357 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: sk -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.357 [brltty] checking for braille driver: vo
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.357 [brltty] initializing braille driver: vo -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.360 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: vo -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.360 [brltty] braille driver not found
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.360 [brltty] checking braille device: bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.360 [brltty] braille device type: Bluetooth
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.361 [brltty] performing braille driver autodetection
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.361 [brltty] checking for braille driver: al
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.361 [brltty] initializing braille driver: al -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.361 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: al -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.361 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.361 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.361 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.361 [brltty] checking for braille driver: dp
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.361 [brltty] initializing braille driver: dp -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.361 [brltty] unsupported generic resource identifier: bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.361 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: dp -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.361 [brltty] checking for braille driver: eu
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.361 [brltty] initializing braille driver: eu -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.361 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: eu -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.361 [brltty] checking for braille driver: fs
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.361 [brltty] initializing braille driver: fs -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.362 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: fs -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.362 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.362 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.362 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.362 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ht
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.362 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ht -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.362 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ht -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.362 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hw
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.362 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hw -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.362 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hw -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.362 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ic
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.362 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ic -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.362 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ic -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.362 [brltty] checking for braille driver: md
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.362 [brltty] initializing braille driver: md -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.362 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: md -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.362 [brltty] checking for braille driver: mm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.362 [brltty] initializing braille driver: mm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.362 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: mm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.362 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.362 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.362 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.362 [brltty] checking for braille driver: sk
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.362 [brltty] initializing braille driver: sk -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.362 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: sk -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.362 [brltty] checking for braille driver: vo
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.362 [brltty] initializing braille driver: vo -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.362 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: vo -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.362 [brltty] braille driver not found
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.362 [brltty] activity action failed: braille-driver: start
2024-12-29 at 14:28:23.362 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 2[scheduled]
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.196 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 6[starting]
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.197 [brltty] checking braille device: usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.197 [brltty] braille device type: USB
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.197 [brltty] performing braille driver autodetection
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.197 [brltty] checking for braille driver: al
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.197 [brltty] initializing braille driver: al -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.304 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: al -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.304 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.304 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.306 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.307 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bn
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.307 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.309 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.310 [brltty] checking for braille driver: cn
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.310 [brltty] initializing braille driver: cn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.313 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: cn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.313 [brltty] checking for braille driver: dp
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.313 [brltty] initializing braille driver: dp -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.315 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: dp -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.316 [brltty] checking for braille driver: eu
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.316 [brltty] initializing braille driver: eu -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.318 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: eu -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.319 [brltty] checking for braille driver: fs
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.319 [brltty] initializing braille driver: fs -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.322 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: fs -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.327 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hd
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.328 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hd -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.329 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hd -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.330 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.330 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.332 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.332 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ht
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.333 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ht -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.335 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ht -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.336 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hw
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.336 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hw -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.338 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hw -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.339 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ic
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.339 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ic -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.341 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ic -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.342 [brltty] checking for braille driver: mt
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.342 [brltty] initializing braille driver: mt -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.344 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: mt -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.344 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pg
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.345 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pg -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.347 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pg -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.347 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.348 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.351 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.351 [brltty] checking for braille driver: sk
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.351 [brltty] initializing braille driver: sk -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.353 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: sk -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.354 [brltty] checking for braille driver: vo
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.354 [brltty] initializing braille driver: vo -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.356 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: vo -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.356 [brltty] braille driver not found
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.356 [brltty] checking braille device: bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.356 [brltty] braille device type: Bluetooth
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.357 [brltty] performing braille driver autodetection
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.357 [brltty] checking for braille driver: al
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.357 [brltty] initializing braille driver: al -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.357 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: al -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.357 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.357 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.357 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.357 [brltty] checking for braille driver: dp
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.357 [brltty] initializing braille driver: dp -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.357 [brltty] unsupported generic resource identifier: bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.357 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: dp -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.358 [brltty] checking for braille driver: eu
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.358 [brltty] initializing braille driver: eu -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.358 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: eu -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.358 [brltty] checking for braille driver: fs
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.358 [brltty] initializing braille driver: fs -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.358 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: fs -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.358 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.358 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.358 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.358 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ht
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.358 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ht -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.358 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ht -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.358 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hw
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.358 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hw -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.358 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hw -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.358 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ic
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.358 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ic -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.358 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ic -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.358 [brltty] checking for braille driver: md
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.358 [brltty] initializing braille driver: md -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.358 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: md -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.358 [brltty] checking for braille driver: mm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.358 [brltty] initializing braille driver: mm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.358 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: mm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.358 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.358 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.358 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.358 [brltty] checking for braille driver: sk
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.359 [brltty] initializing braille driver: sk -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.359 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: sk -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.359 [brltty] checking for braille driver: vo
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.359 [brltty] initializing braille driver: vo -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.359 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: vo -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.359 [brltty] braille driver not found
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.359 [brltty] activity action failed: braille-driver: start
2024-12-29 at 14:28:28.359 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 2[scheduled]
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.196 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 6[starting]
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.196 [brltty] checking braille device: usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.196 [brltty] braille device type: USB
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.196 [brltty] performing braille driver autodetection
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.196 [brltty] checking for braille driver: al
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.196 [brltty] initializing braille driver: al -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.303 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: al -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.303 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.303 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.305 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.305 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bn
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.306 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.308 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.309 [brltty] checking for braille driver: cn
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.309 [brltty] initializing braille driver: cn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.311 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: cn -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.312 [brltty] checking for braille driver: dp
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.312 [brltty] initializing braille driver: dp -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.314 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: dp -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.315 [brltty] checking for braille driver: eu
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.315 [brltty] initializing braille driver: eu -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.317 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: eu -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.317 [brltty] checking for braille driver: fs
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.318 [brltty] initializing braille driver: fs -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.320 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: fs -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.321 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hd
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.321 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hd -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.323 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hd -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.324 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.333 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.335 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.335 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ht
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.335 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ht -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.337 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ht -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.338 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hw
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.338 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hw -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.340 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hw -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.341 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ic
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.341 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ic -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.344 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ic -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.344 [brltty] checking for braille driver: mt
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.344 [brltty] initializing braille driver: mt -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.346 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: mt -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.347 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pg
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.347 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pg -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.349 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pg -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.349 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.350 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.352 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pm -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.353 [brltty] checking for braille driver: sk
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.353 [brltty] initializing braille driver: sk -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.355 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: sk -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.356 [brltty] checking for braille driver: vo
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.356 [brltty] initializing braille driver: vo -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.358 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: vo -> usb:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.358 [brltty] braille driver not found
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.358 [brltty] checking braille device: bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.358 [brltty] braille device type: Bluetooth
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.359 [brltty] performing braille driver autodetection
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.359 [brltty] checking for braille driver: al
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.359 [brltty] initializing braille driver: al -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.359 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: al -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.359 [brltty] checking for braille driver: bm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.359 [brltty] initializing braille driver: bm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.359 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: bm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.359 [brltty] checking for braille driver: dp
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.360 [brltty] initializing braille driver: dp -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.360 [brltty] unsupported generic resource identifier: bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.360 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: dp -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.360 [brltty] checking for braille driver: eu
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.360 [brltty] initializing braille driver: eu -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.360 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: eu -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.360 [brltty] checking for braille driver: fs
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.360 [brltty] initializing braille driver: fs -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.360 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: fs -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.360 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.360 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.360 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.360 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ht
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.360 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ht -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.360 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ht -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.360 [brltty] checking for braille driver: hw
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.360 [brltty] initializing braille driver: hw -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.360 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: hw -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.360 [brltty] checking for braille driver: ic
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.360 [brltty] initializing braille driver: ic -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.360 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: ic -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.360 [brltty] checking for braille driver: md
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.360 [brltty] initializing braille driver: md -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.360 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: md -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.360 [brltty] checking for braille driver: mm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.360 [brltty] initializing braille driver: mm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.360 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: mm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.360 [brltty] checking for braille driver: pm
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.361 [brltty] initializing braille driver: pm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.361 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: pm -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.361 [brltty] checking for braille driver: sk
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.361 [brltty] initializing braille driver: sk -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.361 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: sk -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.361 [brltty] checking for braille driver: vo
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.361 [brltty] initializing braille driver: vo -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.361 [brltty] braille driver initialization failed: vo -> bluetooth:
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.361 [brltty] braille driver not found
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.361 [brltty] activity action failed: braille-driver: start
2024-12-29 at 14:28:33.361 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 2[scheduled]
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.004 [brltty] file opened: /var/lib/brltty/brltty.prefs fd=17
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.004 [brltty] stopping program components
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.004 [brltty] stopping program component: command-queue
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.004 [brltty] stopping program component: alert-tunes
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.004 [brltty] stopping program component: sorted-keyboard-functions
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.004 [brltty] stopping program component: sorted-command-table
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.004 [brltty] stopping program component: sorted-usb-serial-adapters
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.004 [brltty] stopping program component: main-clipboard
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.004 [brltty] stopping program component: sessions
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.004 [brltty] popped command handler: API
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.004 [brltty] popped command handler: custom
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.004 [brltty] popped command handler: screen
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.004 [brltty] popped command handler: override
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.004 [brltty] popped command handler: navigation
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.004 [brltty] popped command handler: input
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.004 [brltty] report listener unregistered: 0: inputCommandDataResetListener
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.004 [brltty] popped command handler: keycodes
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.004 [brltty] report listener unregistered: 0: keycodeCommandDataResetListener
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.004 [brltty] popped command handler: touch
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.004 [brltty] report listener unregistered: 3: brailleWindowUpdatedListener
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.004 [brltty] popped command handler: toggle
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.004 [brltty] popped command handler: preferences
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.004 [brltty] popped command handler: clipboard
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.004 [brltty] popped command handler: speech
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.004 [brltty] popped command handler: learn
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.004 [brltty] popped command handler: miscellaneous
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.004 [brltty] popped command handler: unhandled
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.004 [brltty] popped command environment: main
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.004 [brltty] stopping program component: api-server
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.005 [server-main] select: Interrupted system call
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.005 [brltty] stopping program component: address-table
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.005 [brltty] stopping program component: speech-driver
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.005 [brltty] activity action request: speech-driver: stop
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.005 [brltty] activity state change: speech-driver: 9[stopping]
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.005 [brltty] activity state change: speech-driver: 0[stopped]
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.005 [brltty] stopping program component: speech-data
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.005 [brltty] stopping program component: braille-driver
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.005 [brltty] activity action request: braille-driver: stop
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.005 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 1[prepared]
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.005 [brltty] activity state change: braille-driver: 0[stopped]
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.005 [brltty] stopping program component: braille-data
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.005 [brltty] stopping program component: screen-driver
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.005 [brltty] activity action request: screen-driver: stop
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.005 [brltty] activity state change: screen-driver: 9[stopping]
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.005 [brltty] report listener unregistered: 1: lxBrailleDeviceOfflineListener
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.005 [brltty] screen driver: closing console: fd=27
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.005 [brltty] screen driver: closing screen: fd=12
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.014 [brltty] screen driver: closing console: fd=11
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.039 [brltty] activity state change: screen-driver: 0[stopped]
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.039 [brltty] stopping program component: keyboard-table
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.040 [brltty] stopping program component: attributes-table
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.040 [brltty] lock descriptor allocated: attributes-table
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.040 [brltty] stopping program component: contraction-table
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.040 [brltty] stopping program component: text-table
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.040 [brltty] stopping program component: tunes
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.040 [tune-thread] tune thread state change: 3 -> 4
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.040 [brltty] tune thread state change: 4 -> 5
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.040 [brltty] stopping program component: screen-data
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.040 [brltty] destructing special screen: help
2024-12-29 at 14:28:34.040 [brltty] stopping program component: log

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