[BRLTTY] Help after upgrading to Ubuntu 24.04, continued

S. Massy smassy at wolfdream.ca
Mon Dec 30 19:51:00 UTC 2024

On Sun, Dec 29, 2024 at 09:37:25PM -0500, Dave Mielke wrote:
> [quoted lines by S. Massy on 2024/12/29 at 19:35 -0500]
> >Once I type in my credentials, I can pipe the output of commands through
> >espeak. I have also switched to runlevel 3 just to make sure and still
> >the problem persists.
> Very odd! Not being a Ubuntu user, I have no direct guesses as to what the problem might be.
> I thought Ubuntu uses systemd so am wondering why you'd be referring to run levels. The systemd way to switch to a text mode boot is:
It is using systemd, I've not updated my terminology and am betraying my age. :)
>    systemctl set-default multi-user
> >> Which console number does the fgconsole command say you're using?
> >The output is "1".
> The older convention, which I think Ubuntu uses, is for ttys 1 through 6 to be text consoles and for X to be on tty7. The newer convention, whch maybe Ubuntu has switched to, is to put X on tty1. Just to be absolutely sure, therefore, you might wish to try swithing to tty2. You can easily do that from ssh with this command:
Bizarre. Chvt just hangs.
I can cat /dev/vcsa and see the content of the console, so that at least is working...

>    chvt 2
> >I've force brltty and brltty-x11 to reinstall 
In desperation we try the most foolish of solutions. :)

> That shouldn't matter.
> >and also reconfigured console-data 
I just ran dpkg-reconfigure and made sure options looked sane.

> From what to what?
> >without any sign of improvement. I admit I'm a little baffled at this point.
It looks okay. I started the sleep command as a marker just to make sure. See below:
root        1856  0.0  0.0   7128  4512 tty1     Ss   14:35   0:00 /bin/login -p --
smassy      2756  0.0  0.0  11908  5632 tty1     S    14:36   0:00 -bash
smassy      2922  0.0  0.0   8304  1920 tty1     S+   14:36   0:00 sleep 600

Sebastien Massy
Montreal, Canada
Website: http://www.wolfdream.ca
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/SMassy1
LinkedIn: http://ca.linkedin.com/pub/sebastien-massy/47/5a5/81a

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