[BRLTTY] Focus 1 70 display and USB to serial adapter: possible connecting this scenario?

Hammer Attila hammera at pickup.hu
Tue Dec 31 10:47:33 UTC 2024

Hi Dave,

Oh, still missing the log files the required values? this is interesting.

I generated new packages, before compile all packages, I doed in my 
Debian system both two patches related into the package source directory 
a quilt import pachname command (the debian/patches/series file putted 
quilt command the patches name), recompile and reinstall all BRLTTY 
packages, and restarted the system.

I will looking FS Braille parameters related option the /etc/brltty.conf 
file, perhaps this option have any difference the two system with I use 
(the test always created in my Debian 12 system, but I am need looking 
changed anything or not with FS braille parameters related) oldest time.

I will verifying what the actual FS braille driver parameter the package 
source brltty.conf.in file and if have differences, restart the value in 
/etc/brltty.conf file.

In my Ubuntu 20.04 system, the FS driver braille parameters is 
following, this system I absolute sure changed this line this variant 
older time:

#braille-parameters fs:Device=/dev/ttyACM0 # [no,yes]

The BRLTTY process if I remembered right automatically starting with -q 
and --no-daemon options my Debian 12 box (this option is Debian level 
factory added I think the /etc/default/brltty file).

So, perhaps not seeing you the log the proper value because FS 
braille-driver config key is not right?

What can I need searching the future logs, and what FS 
BRAILLE-parameters and command line parameters need absolute sure 
producing this values the log file with you searching?

In -l option I added always the -ldebug,usb,serial,inpkts,outpkts  
options, this options is not enough?

So, I not used the master branch version during the tests, I used debian 
package repository stable branch awailable 6.7 series version.


2024. 12. 30. 18:37 keltezéssel, Dave Mielke írta:
> [quoted lines by Hammer Attila on 2024/12/30 at 17:53 +0100]
> I'm still not seeing the effect of the ready delay in the logs. How are you rebuilding brltty for testing?
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