[BRLTTY] API to change text table

Dave Mielke Dave at mielke.cc
Wed Jul 3 08:37:21 EDT 2024

[quoted lines by payman shaykhmehdi on 2024/07/03 at 11:43 +0330]

>I've written the following code to change the text table :
>const char *table_name = "ar.ttb";
>> int result = brlapi_setParameter( BRLAPI_PARAM_LITERARY_BRAILLE_TABLE,
>>                                    0.
>>                                     BRLAPI_PARAMF_GLOBAL,
>>                                     table_name,
>>                                     sizeof(table_name));

Text tables are comptuer braille. Cotraction tables are literary braille.

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Dave Mielke            | 2213 Fox Crescent | WebHome: http://Mielke.cc/
EMail: Dave at Mielke.cc  | Ottawa, Ontario   | Twitter: @Dave_Mielke
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