[BRLTTY] [ht] Spurious Cursor Moving when braille display is attached

Dave Mielke Dave at mielke.cc
Tue Jun 11 13:59:54 EDT 2024

[quoted lines by Sebastian Humenda on 2024/06/11 at 17:51 +0200]

>As soon as the display is connected, it sends events that somehow get interpreted as "arrow left". As soon as the display is disconnected, this stops.

Perhaps a key is stuck.

>I have tried to take a log with BRLTTY, but am unsure about which category to choose and the configuration syntax. I have put
>log-level	brlkeys,csrrtg,brldrv

Looks okey except that you don't need csrrtg.

>Is the syntax correct, or would I have to put a log-level directive per line?

Both should work. I myself usually put them all on one line like you did.

>Which other categories would be useful, "serial"?

No, you don't need (or even want) "serial". Given that you're getting "missing acknowledgement" warnings, though, you might also want "outpkts" and "inpkts".

>2024-06-11 at 17:38:22.466 [brltty] missing braille message acknowledgement
>2024-06-11 at 17:38:22.466 [brltty] Write error 5: Eingabe-/Ausgabefehler

You'll need to help me, here. Does that mean "I/O error"?

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Dave Mielke            | 2213 Fox Crescent | WebHome: http://Mielke.cc/
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