[BRLTTY] Braille display unable to type or navigate screen in Ubuntu 22.04

Harry Bell ubupanoramix at icloud.com
Wed May 8 01:41:14 EDT 2024


Hail, BRLTTY folk!
I am a newbie, blind, aged 70 in UK with a project to replace Windows 10 on my old laptop so that in Ubuntu I can control it with my focus Blue 14 5th Gen Braille display. With sighted help, I have made progress but have reached an impasse:
How can I get my newly set up Ubuntu 24.04 laptop to accept my focus Blue 14 5th Gen Braille display as an input device for typing and giving commands to navigate the screen?
I have installed Ubuntu 24.4 along with Orca and the MATE desktop. I have run BRLTTY and now my focus Blue 14 5th Gen Braille display shows in Braille what is on the laptop screen. But when I try typing, nothing happens. And i have no idea how to navigate the laptop screen., as no key presses on theBraille display have any effect!
Any help will be most welcome!
Harry in York, UK
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