[BRLTTY] ./configure --enable-standalone-programs throws errors on both debian 11 and 12

Roland Engelsma criticview at gmail.com
Tue Nov 26 16:53:52 UTC 2024

Hello everyone

First of all, before we go any further: i'm not a programmer and an 
absolute newbe if it comes to linux, so the obvious might not seem 
obvious to me...

After I finally figured out inter nas backups and all of that, I was 
hoping I could get braille output from an unraid instance by downloading 
and installing the slackware packages on the system, but that didn't 
work. The system kept complaining about not finding some files, and 
since it's a rather limited system (a nas after all), I didn't think I 
was going to get much of any success by following the premade packages route

Because of that, I decided that the next best thing would be to try and 
build brltty from source, certainly after I found a page explaining that 
the whole program could run standalone...

So, spin up a debian 11 vm, and follow the instructions... but here's 
where it gets frustrating...

I download the latest source file, extract, change into the directory 
and do:

./configure --enable-standalone-programs --with-install-root=/brltty 



and after a short while I get this:

Makefile:49: target 'all' does not exist
cd Programs && gmake all
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/roland/brltty/Programs'
Makefile:1151: update target 'tbl2hex' due to: tbl2hex.o program.o 
pgmpath_linux.o pid.o cmdline.o params_linux.o messages.o log.o 
log_history.o addresses.o file.o device.o parse.o variables.o datafile.o 
unicode.o utf8.o timing.o async_handle.o async_data.o async_wait.o 
async_alarm.o async_task.o async_io.o async_event.o async_signal.o 
thread.o io_misc.o queue.o lock.o dynld_dlfcn.o ports_glibc.o 
system_linux.o hostcmd.o hostcmd_unix.o dataarea.o ttb_compile.o 
ttb_native.o charset.o charset_iconv.o ctb_compile.o cldr.o atb_compile.o
gcc -static -o tbl2hex tbl2hex.o program.o pgmpath_linux.o pid.o 
cmdline.o params_linux.o messages.o log.o log_history.o addresses.o 
file.o device.o parse.o variables.o datafile.o unicode.o utf8.o timing.o 
async_handle.o async_data.o async_wait.o async_alarm.o async_task.o 
async_io.o async_event.o async_signal.o thread.o io_misc.o queue.o 
lock.o dynld_dlfcn.o ports_glibc.o system_linux.o hostcmd.o 
hostcmd_unix.o dataarea.o ttb_compile.o ttb_native.o charset.o 
charset_iconv.o ctb_compile.o cldr.o atb_compile.o -lexpat -lsicuuc 
-lsicudata -lpthread -ldl -lm -lbluetooth -lbluetooth -ldl -lcap -lgpm 
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lsicuuc
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lsicudata
/usr/bin/ld: dynld_dlfcn.o: in function `loadSharedObject':
/home/roland/brltty/Programs/./dynld_dlfcn.c:63: warning: Using 'dlopen' 
in statically linked applications requires at runtime the shared 
libraries from the glibc version used for linking
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [Makefile:1151: tbl2hex] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/roland/brltty/Programs'
make: *** [Makefile:49: all] Error 2

Am I missing some ./configure options that are important, am I missing 
some debian components even though I ran the

sudo ./Tools/reqpkgs -i

even going as far as trying to install all packages remotely related to 

sudo apt install libicu*

I'm fully aware that this might not even fix my self imposed issue, but 
I'd like at least to figure out if connecting a display to unraid would 
give me an ip and stuff to make life easy...



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