[BRLTTY] New release soon.
Aura Kelloniemi
kaura.dev at sange.fi
Tue Oct 1 17:18:13 UTC 2024
On 2024-09-19 at 06:05 -0400, Dave Mielke <Dave at mielke.cc> wrote:
> So: The current plan is for the next release to happen in roughly two
> weeks. Would those of you who can, please ensure that you're running the
> latest development code and do some testing.
I compiled the latest main branch and after brief testing everything seems to
work as usual. I have been running a version of BRLTTY from last June for
several months without any issues.
However, I have (for years already) needed to patch the source to get it
compiling. I am on Arch linux, and I need to apply the following sed script to
get brltty to build:
# Fix ncursesw header include
sed --in-place -e 's|^\(#include \)<ncursesw/ncurses\.h>|\1<ncurses.h>|' \
Another sed that I always apply (because BRLTTY does not have a runtime
control for this feature is):
# Reduce display update rate
sed --in-place -e 's|^\(#define UPDATE_SCHEDULE_DELAY \)15|\1 75|' \
I have planned to write a feature request about all kinds of configurable
power saving features that BRLTTY could provide, but this will be actual only
after the release.
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