[BRLTTY] New release soon.

Aura Kelloniemi kaura.dev at sange.fi
Tue Oct 8 11:59:01 UTC 2024

Hello Dave &al,

On 2024-10-01 at 19:47 -0400, Dave Mielke <Dave at mielke.cc> wrote:
 > [quoted lines by Aura Kelloniemi on 2024/10/01 at 20:18 +0300]

 > >Another sed that I always apply (because BRLTTY does not have a runtime
 > >control for this feature is):
 > >
 > >    # Reduce display update rate
 > >    sed --in-place -e 's|^\(#define UPDATE_SCHEDULE_DELAY \)15|\1 75|' \
 > >        Programs/parameters.h

 > What's this supposed to achieve? Tehre's no update rate, i.e. it isn't regularly polling. This parameter just sets how quickly the display will be updated after something on the screen has changed.

Yes, taht's exactly what I want to change and I've done quite a bit of testing
to find the best value for me. The braille display scrolls slower when there
is a lot of output to the terminal which has some benefits. I have three goals
with changing this value:

1) When there is lots of output to the terminal, I can read at least a few
characters out of this output when the update rate is slower. With the default
update rate, the display flickers so fast that the dots don't have time to
even rise fully.

2) Cursor tracking works better, because not every terminal update gets
processed by BRLTTY and as a result some temporary cursor movements do not
trigger cursor tracking. I know there is the "Cursor tracking delay"
preference, but its smallest value (above zero) is 250 milliseconds which is
absolutely too much for me.

3) This is a bit hypothetical, but I hope that due to fewer updates, the
display battery will last longer, some power is saved and the mechanics of the
display wear out slower.


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