[BRLTTY] BRLTTY under Chrome OS / Crostini

Daniel Dalton daniel.dalton10 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 15 23:29:29 UTC 2024

Hi Jason,

Great to hear from you again, I hope you are doing well!

Just an update here I was able to get this working by using the new
brltty-term script suggested by Dave instead of the old screen driver.

I invoked it using a command like "brltty-term screen".

I can read the command prompt fine when using screen, but two blockers that
I experienced happen within emacs:

   - Focused lines go out of sync with the display. As I scroll through a
   long buffer within emacs the selected line spoken by emacspeak is a couple
   of lines above or below the currently displayed line on the Braille
   display. If I return back to the top of the file generally things go back
   in sync.
   - m-x shell and all other shell buffers like python-shell just hang when
   I enter a command. Interestingly m-x compile does seem to work.

I think I'm pretty close, but unfortunately at least the first problem with
lines out of sync is enough of a blocker to make this not a workable
solution for me right now.

Thanks again for your help!

On Sun, Oct 13, 2024 at 12:45 AM Jason J.G. White <jason at jasonjgw.net>

> On 8/10/24 07:26, Daniel Dalton wrote:
> I run brltty from the shell and see the brltty version on the display
> followed by "no screen". I see the following error which I guess is not
> unexpected because Crostini may have some differences to a full version of
> Linux:
> BRLTTY 6.6 rev BRLTTY-6.6-116-gf7572386 [https://brltty.app/]
> brltty: executing as the invoking user: root
> brltty: cannot open /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe: No such file or directory
> brltty: command not found: modprobe
> brltty: kernel module not installed: pcspkr
> brltty: cannot open /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe: No such file or directory
> brltty: command not found: modprobe
> brltty: kernel module not installed: input
> Those are simply errors in installing kernel modules. They may not be your
> main issue. Have you checked a debug log to find out what happens when it
> starts the screen driver?
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