[BRLTTY] BRLTTY under Chrome OS / Crostini

Daniel Dalton daniel.dalton10 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 16 22:07:17 UTC 2024

I guess that's a good question. Since I don't know enough about this stuff
I was hoping using the terminal emulator driver as a work around would be
easier than trying to get the linux screen driver to work under Crostini.
The other thing I noticed is that Crostini doesn't have any /dev/vcs*

On Wed, Oct 16, 2024 at 11:04 PM Jason J.G. White <jason at jasonjgw.net>

> On 15/10/24 19:29, Daniel Dalton wrote:
> > Just an update here I was able to get this working by using the new
> > brltty-term script suggested by Dave instead of the old screen driver.
> This raises the question whether there's a way to install the necessary
> kernel modules in your environment to enable the Linux screen driver.
> I know Chrome OS has relatively tight security restrictions that you may
> have to turn off, and I assume it isn't running a typical kernel. If the
> kernel is actually supplied by the virtualized environment, that's what
> you would need to modify.
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