[BRLTTY] Braille emotion bindings

Mattia Scattolin m.scattolin at arduino.cc
Thu Feb 6 12:04:00 UTC 2025

> Hello,
> I use brltty on a Silicon Mac with m2 processor on a Debian virtual machine.
> Now a get a new display braile: braille eMotion from Hims.
> Braille emotion has 2 usb modes: usb legacy and usb hid.
> I installed the last brltty 6.7 from Debian testing repository.
> When using usb legacy mode on the eMotion everything works fine but keys are not correctly mapped. 
> Normal text scrolling works and also keyboard input. But as example if I want to go on top of screen with left’scroll’up + left’scroll’down + right’scroll’up, nothing happens .
> The same problem regards clipboard functions .
> It is difficult for me working without going at the beginning or the end of the screen.
> I tried also usb hid mode but it has a lot of latency with brltty. The difficult is that Mac OS needs usb hid and the vm usb legacy. So I need to use the bluetooth on the Mac and usb legacy for the vm.
> Any ideas or suggestions.
> Last thins is that in the vm I seee 3 usb devices when I connect braille emotion but I think it depends from they hardware implementation of the device (usb hits, braille emotion, serial usb).
> If anybody can help me please let me know 
> Thanks a lot 
> Mattia


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