[BRLTTY] Mac with silicon chip and bratty.

Yannick Plassiard plassiardyannick at gmail.com
Wed Feb 12 12:35:51 UTC 2025


Long story short: it is possible with a bit of hacking. If I remember, 
you'll need to have a recent version of "screen" (4.9), compiled from 
sources with a patch applied to make the screen region visible to Brltty.

After that, you can compile Brltty (after cloning the Git repository), 
and start both programs as root to make them work.

I found several issues while doing this though:

- If your braille display is supported by Apple's VoiceOver, it's much 
harder for Brltty to take ownership of it.

- Sometimes, Brltty fails to insert keys and keep printing "screen is 
initializing..." on the braille display. I guess this has something to 
do with the IPC communication with Screen, but I did not have enough 
time to investigate.

It won't solve your issue, but I found it easier to have Brltty running 
on a Raspberry Pi model (plugged to the Mac for power supply), and 
ssh-ing to the Mac to have a much reliable experience.



Le 12/02/2025 à 10:47, Mattia Scattolin a écrit :
> I have the same question. Hope to find a way to make it working on a Mac.
> At the moment I use it with an ute virtual machine.
> Mattia
>> Il giorno 11 feb 2025, alle ore 21:26, Anders Holmberg <anders at pipkrokodil.se> ha scritto:
>> Hi!
>> Is it possible to install bratty onto a Mac mini with M1 chip?
>> Instructions if possible please.
>> /A
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