[BRLTTY] Mac with silicon chip and bratty.

Mattia Scattolin m.scattolin at arduino.cc
Thu Feb 13 08:43:06 UTC 2025

[quoted lines from Dave Mielke]
> These days, I'm trying to get rid of that approach (a patched screen) and have brltty-term used instead. I don't have a Mac, though, so am not in a position to ensure that that'll work properly.

I have a Mac and I can do some testing if you give me instructions 


> Il giorno 12 feb 2025, alle ore 22:34, Dave Mielke <Dave at mielke.cc> ha scritto:
> [quoted lines by Yannick Plassiard on 2025/02/12 at 13:35 +0100]
>> If I remember, you'll need to have a recent version of "screen" (4.9), compiled from sources with a patch applied to make the screen region visible to Brltty.
> These days, I'm trying to get rid of that approach (a patched screen) and have brltty-term used instead. I don't have a Mac, though, so am not in a position to ensure that that'll work properly.
> -- 
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