[BRLTTY] Brlapi question

Sébastien Hinderer Sebastien.Hinderer at ens-lyon.org
Wed Jan 1 18:08:13 UTC 2025

Samuel Thibault (2025/01/01 18:38 +0100):
> 高生旺, le mer. 01 janv. 2025 16:03:04 +0800, a ecrit:
> > How do I get a char from routing key presed?
> What do you mean by "a char"? Do you mean the character that was clicked
> on? You can use BRLAPI_PARAM_RENDERED_CELLS to get the dots that are
> currently output on the braille device. But you can also remember in
> your own application what you have output. More details would be needed
> to understand what your real need is.

Yes, basically it's a bit like asking what there is under the mouse when
you click on it. I would say it's the application's responsibility to
what is displayed where and to reverse-map the routing key press to the
text it's associated to. Although a tooklit could help. Sure.


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