[BRLTTY] Question: Brltty and Focus Fifth Generation

Yannick PLASSIARD plassiardyannick at gmail.com
Thu Jan 23 20:14:08 UTC 2025


if you're using X11 (a graphical user interface like Maté or GNOME), you
have to start the «xbrlapi» program before starting the Orca screen reader.

if you are using the console however, make sure that your braille keyboard
is not locked by pressing dots 1, 3 and the space bar. Note that if X11 is
not running, the brltty-x11 package is not really necessary.


plassiardyannick at gmail.com

Le jeu. 23 janv. 2025 à 21:05, <rjaquiss at earthlink.net> a écrit :

> Hello:
>      I am new to Raspberry Pi. I have a Raspberry Pi 5 running Brltty 6.5.
> For a braille display, I am using a Focus Fifth generation connected using
> USB.
> I installed both Brltty and Brltty-x11. My questions are:
> 1. Some of the buttons on the left front of the display seem to have no
> affect.
> 2. The braille keys are not recognized.
> I do periodically run sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade to keep the
> software up to date.
> Thank you for any suggestions.
> Regards,
> Robert
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