The BRLTTY Command Reference


Alphabetical Command Index

Special Modes

HELP - Enter/leave help display.

LEARN - Enter/leave command learn mode.

PREFMENU - Enter/leave preferences menu.

INFO - Enter/leave status display.

DISPMD - Set display mode attributes/text.

The following modifiers may be specified:

FREEZE - Set screen image frozen/unfrozen.

The following modifiers may be specified:

DESCCHAR - Describe character.

The following modifiers may be specified:

TIME - Show current date and time.

INDICATORS - Show various device status indicators.

CONTEXT - Switch to command context.

The following modifiers may be specified:

Cursor Functions

HOME - Go to screen cursor.

The following modifiers may be specified:

BACK - Go back after cursor tracking.

The following modifiers may be specified:

RETURN - Go to screen cursor or go back after cursor tracking.

The following modifiers may be specified:

ROUTE - Bring screen cursor to character.

The following modifiers may be specified:

ROUTE_LINE - Bring screen cursor to line.

The following modifiers may be specified:

CSRJMP_VERT - Bring screen cursor to current line.

ROUTE_CURR_LOCN - Bring screen cursor to speech cursor.

Vertical Navigation

LNUP - Go up one line.

The following modifiers may be specified:

LNDN - Go down one line.

The following modifiers may be specified:

TOP - Go to top line.

The following modifiers may be specified:

BOT - Go to bottom line.

The following modifiers may be specified:

TOP_LEFT - Go to beginning of top line.

The following modifiers may be specified:

BOT_LEFT - Go to beginning of bottom line.

The following modifiers may be specified:

PRDIFLN - Go up to nearest line with different content.

The following modifiers may be specified:

NXDIFLN - Go down to nearest line with different content.

The following modifiers may be specified:

ATTRUP - Go up to nearest line with different highlighting.

The following modifiers may be specified:

ATTRDN - Go down to nearest line with different highlighting.

The following modifiers may be specified:

PRPGRPH - Go up to first line of paragraph.

The following modifiers may be specified:

NXPGRPH - Go down to first line of next paragraph.

The following modifiers may be specified:

PRPROMPT - Go up to previous command prompt.

The following modifiers may be specified:

NXPROMPT - Go down to next command prompt.

The following modifiers may be specified:

WINUP - Go up several lines.

The following modifiers may be specified:

WINDN - Go down several lines.

The following modifiers may be specified:

PRINDENT - Go up to nearest line with less indent than character.

The following modifiers may be specified:

NXINDENT - Go down to nearest line with less indent than character.

The following modifiers may be specified:

PRDIFCHAR - Go up to nearest line with different character.

The following modifiers may be specified:

NXDIFCHAR - Go down to nearest line with different character.

The following modifiers may be specified:

GOTOLINE - Go to selected line.

The following modifiers may be specified:

Horizontal Navigation

FWINLT - Go backward one braille window.

The following modifiers may be specified:

FWINRT - Go forward one braille window.

The following modifiers may be specified:

FWINLTSKIP - Go backward skipping blank braille windows.

The following modifiers may be specified:

FWINRTSKIP - Go forward skipping blank braille windows.

The following modifiers may be specified:

PRNBWIN - Go backward to nearest non-blank braille window.

The following modifiers may be specified:

NXNBWIN - Go forward to nearest non-blank braille window.

The following modifiers may be specified:

LNBEG - Go to beginning of line.

The following modifiers may be specified:

LNEND - Go to end of line.

The following modifiers may be specified:

CHRLT - Go left one character.

The following modifiers may be specified:

CHRRT - Go right one character.

The following modifiers may be specified:

HWINLT - Go left half a braille window.

The following modifiers may be specified:

HWINRT - Go right half a braille window.

The following modifiers may be specified:

SETLEFT - Place left end of braille window at character.

The following modifiers may be specified:

Window Navigation

GUI_TITLE - Show the window title.

GUI_BRL_ACTIONS - Open the braille actions window.

GUI_HOME - Go to the home screen.

The following modifiers may be specified:

GUI_BACK - Go back to the previous screen.

The following modifiers may be specified:

GUI_DEV_SETTINGS - Open the device settings window.

GUI_DEV_OPTIONS - Open the device options window.

GUI_APP_LIST - Open the application list window.

GUI_APP_MENU - Open the application-specific menu.

GUI_APP_ALERTS - Open the application alerts window.

GUI_AREA_ACTV - Return to the active screen area.

GUI_AREA_PREV - Switch to the previous screen area.

GUI_AREA_NEXT - Switch to the next screen area.

GUI_ITEM_FRST - Move to the first item in the screen area.

GUI_ITEM_PREV - Move to the previous item in the screen area.

GUI_ITEM_NEXT - Move to the next item in the screen area.

GUI_ITEM_LAST - Move to the last item in the screen area.

Clipboard Functions

CLIP_NEW - Start new clipboard at character.

The following modifiers may be specified:

CLIP_ADD - Append to clipboard from character.

The following modifiers may be specified:

COPY_LINE - Linear copy to character.

The following modifiers may be specified:

COPY_RECT - Rectangular copy to character.

The following modifiers may be specified:

CLIP_COPY - Copy characters to clipboard.

CLIP_APPEND - Append characters to clipboard.

PASTE - Insert clipboard text after screen cursor.

PASTE_HISTORY - Insert clipboard history entry after screen cursor.

The following modifiers may be specified:

PRSEARCH - Search backward for clipboard text.

NXSEARCH - Search forward for clipboard text.

CLIP_SAVE - Save clipboard to disk.

CLIP_RESTORE - Restore clipboard from disk.

Text Selection and the Host Clipboard

TXTSEL_CLEAR - Clear the text selection.

TXTSEL_SET - Set text selection.

The following modifiers may be specified:

TXTSEL_START - Start text selection.

The following modifiers may be specified:

TXTSEL_ALL - Select all of the text.

HOST_COPY - Copy selected text to host clipboard.

HOST_CUT - Cut selected text to host clipboard.

HOST_PASTE - Insert host clipboard text after screen cursor.

Configuration Functions

TOUCH_NAV - Set touch navigation on/off.

The following modifiers may be specified:

AUTOREPEAT - Set autorepeat on/off.

The following modifiers may be specified:

SIXDOTS - Set text style 6-dot/8-dot.

The following modifiers may be specified:

CONTRACTED - Set contracted/computer braille.

The following modifiers may be specified:

COMPBRL6 - Set six/eight dot computer braille.

The following modifiers may be specified:

SKPIDLNS - Set skipping of lines with identical content on/off.

The following modifiers may be specified:

SKPBLNKWINS - Set skipping of blank braille windows on/off.

The following modifiers may be specified:

SLIDEWIN - Set sliding braille window on/off.

The following modifiers may be specified:

CSRTRK - Set track screen cursor on/off.

The following modifiers may be specified:

CSRSIZE - Set screen cursor style block/underline.

The following modifiers may be specified:

CSRVIS - Set screen cursor visibility on/off.

The following modifiers may be specified:

CSRHIDE - Set hidden screen cursor on/off.

The following modifiers may be specified:

The following modifiers may be specified:

ATTRVIS - Set attribute underlining on/off.

The following modifiers may be specified:

The following modifiers may be specified:

The following modifiers may be specified:

TUNES - Set alert tunes on/off.

The following modifiers may be specified:

SET_TEXT_TABLE - Set text table.

The following modifiers may be specified:

SET_ATTRIBUTES_TABLE - Set attributes table.

The following modifiers may be specified:

SET_CONTRACTION_TABLE - Set contraction table.

The following modifiers may be specified:

SET_KEYBOARD_TABLE - Set keyboard table.

The following modifiers may be specified:

SET_LANGUAGE_PROFILE - Set language profile.

The following modifiers may be specified:

Speech Functions

MUTE - Stop speaking.

SAY_LINE - Speak current line.

SAY_ALL - Speak from top of screen through bottom of screen.

SAY_ABOVE - Speak from top of screen through current line.

SAY_BELOW - Speak from current line through bottom of screen.

SPKHOME - Go to current speaking position.

The following modifiers may be specified:

SAY_SOFTER - Decrease speaking volume.

SAY_LOUDER - Increase speaking volume.

SAY_SLOWER - Decrease speaking rate.

SAY_FASTER - Increase speaking rate.

SAY_LOWER - Decrease speaking pitch.

SAY_HIGHER - Increase speaking pitch.

AUTOSPEAK - Set autospeak on/off.

The following modifiers may be specified:

ASPK_SEL_LINE - Set autospeak selected line on/off.

The following modifiers may be specified:

ASPK_SEL_CHAR - Set autospeak selected character on/off.

The following modifiers may be specified:

ASPK_INS_CHARS - Set autospeak inserted characters on/off.

The following modifiers may be specified:

ASPK_DEL_CHARS - Set autospeak deleted characters on/off.

The following modifiers may be specified:

ASPK_REP_CHARS - Set autospeak replaced characters on/off.

The following modifiers may be specified:

ASPK_CMP_WORDS - Set autospeak completed words on/off.

The following modifiers may be specified:

ASPK_INDENT - Set autospeak indent of current line on/off.

The following modifiers may be specified:

Speech Navigation

ROUTE_SPEECH - Bring speech cursor to character.

The following modifiers may be specified:

SPEAK_CURR_CHAR - Speak current character.

DESC_CURR_CHAR - Describe current character.

SPEAK_PREV_CHAR - Go to and speak previous character.

The following modifiers may be specified:

SPEAK_NEXT_CHAR - Go to and speak next character.

The following modifiers may be specified:

SPEAK_FRST_CHAR - Go to and speak first non-blank character on line.

The following modifiers may be specified:

SPEAK_LAST_CHAR - Go to and speak last non-blank character on line.

The following modifiers may be specified:

SPEAK_CURR_WORD - Speak current word.

SPELL_CURR_WORD - Spell current word.

SPEAK_PREV_WORD - Go to and speak previous word.

The following modifiers may be specified:

SPEAK_NEXT_WORD - Go to and speak next word.

The following modifiers may be specified:

SPEAK_CURR_LINE - Speak current line.

SPEAK_PREV_LINE - Go to and speak previous line.

The following modifiers may be specified:

SPEAK_NEXT_LINE - Go to and speak next line.

The following modifiers may be specified:

SPEAK_FRST_LINE - Go to and speak first non-blank line on screen.

The following modifiers may be specified:

SPEAK_LAST_LINE - Go to and speak last non-blank line on screen.

The following modifiers may be specified:

SPEAK_INDENT - Speak indent of current line.

SPEAK_CURR_LOCN - Speak speech cursor location.

SHOW_CURR_LOCN - Set speech cursor visibility on/off.

The following modifiers may be specified:

Keyboard Input

PASSDOTS - Type braille dots.

The following modifiers may be specified:

PASSCHAR - Type unicode character.

The following modifiers may be specified:

KEY_BACKSPACE - Backspace key.

The following modifiers may be specified:

KEY_ENTER - Enter key.

The following modifiers may be specified:

KEY_TAB - Tab key.

The following modifiers may be specified:

KEY_CURSOR_LEFT - Cursor-left key.

The following modifiers may be specified:

KEY_CURSOR_RIGHT - Cursor-right key.

The following modifiers may be specified:

KEY_CURSOR_UP - Cursor-up key.

The following modifiers may be specified:

KEY_CURSOR_DOWN - Cursor-down key.

The following modifiers may be specified:

KEY_PAGE_UP - Page-up key.

The following modifiers may be specified:

KEY_PAGE_DOWN - Page-down key.

The following modifiers may be specified:

KEY_HOME - Home key.

The following modifiers may be specified:

KEY_END - End key.

The following modifiers may be specified:

KEY_INSERT - Insert key.

The following modifiers may be specified:

KEY_DELETE - Delete key.

The following modifiers may be specified:

UNSTICK - Clear all sticky input modifiers.

UPPER - Cycle the Upper sticky input modifier (next, on, off).

SHIFT - Cycle the Shift sticky input modifier (next, on, off).

CONTROL - Cycle the Control sticky input modifier (next, on, off).

META - Cycle the Meta (Left Alt) sticky input modifier (next, on, off).

ALTGR - Cycle the AltGr (Right Alt) sticky input modifier (next, on, off).

GUI - Cycle the GUI (Windows) sticky input modifier (next, on, off).

KEY_ESCAPE - Escape key.

The following modifiers may be specified:

KEY_FUNCTION - Function key.

The following modifiers may be specified:

SWITCHVT - Switch to specific virtual terminal.

The following modifiers may be specified:

SWITCHVT_PREV - Switch to the previous virtual terminal.

SWITCHVT_NEXT - Switch to the next virtual terminal.

SELECTVT - Bind to specific virtual terminal.

The following modifiers may be specified:

SELECTVT_PREV - Bind to the previous virtual terminal.

SELECTVT_NEXT - Bind to the next virtual terminal.

BRLKBD - Set braille keyboard enabled/disabled.

The following modifiers may be specified:

BRLUCDOTS - Set braille typing mode dots/text.

The following modifiers may be specified:

Special Functions

SETMARK - Remember current braille window position.

The following modifiers may be specified:

GOTOMARK - Go to remembered braille window position.

The following modifiers may be specified:

REFRESH - Refresh braille display.

REFRESH_LINE - Refresh braille line.

The following modifiers may be specified:

RESTARTBRL - Restart braille driver.

BRL_STOP - Stop the braille driver.

BRL_START - Start the braille driver.

RESTARTSPEECH - Restart speech driver.

SPK_STOP - Stop the speech driver.

SPK_START - Start the speech driver.

SCR_STOP - Stop the screen driver.

SCR_START - Start the screen driver.

Internal Functions

NOOP - Do nothing.

OFFLINE - Braille display temporarily unavailable.

ALERT - Render an alert.

The following modifiers may be specified:

PASSXT - XT (set 1) keyboard scan code.

The following modifiers may be specified:

PASSAT - AT (set 2) keyboard scan code.

The following modifiers may be specified:

PASSPS2 - PS/2 (set 3) keyboard scan code.

The following modifiers may be specified:

TOUCH_AT - Current reading location.

The following modifiers may be specified:

MACRO - Execute command macro.

The following modifiers may be specified:

HOSTCMD - Run host command.

The following modifiers may be specified: